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Canon 1100D or 600D?? - Imaging - Discussion
- In terms of 1100D vs 600D then if you take into account the Higher QE of the 600D, the lower read noise and dark current, it offsets the larger pixels of the 1100D quite well. You will see very similar performance between the two cameras when imaging RGB, however the place that I have found my 550D to be much better than either my 1000D or the ...
Is the Canon 600d good for astrophotography? - The Astro Hut
- After further research I concluded that the Canon 600d was the perfect starter camera for my astrophotography journey. This was due to the following reasonings. A camera body can be purchased cheaply It has a large 18 MPD 14-bit APS-C chip. This allows it to cover a wide FoV (Field of View…read here for why this is important for starting out).
5 Canon 1100D Astrophotography Tricks For Better Photographs!
- The Canon 1100d has simplified the concept of astronomical imaging with its 12MP CMOS chip and 63-area iFPC (Focus, color, and luminance sensitive) metering system. These features are coupled with Digit 4 processor to amplify the camera’s low-light performance to capture pre-dawn and post-sunset photographers.
Canon DSLR comparisons for Astro Imaging
- Self Removal of IR Cut Filter for Astrophotography (450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 1000D & 1100D) Page 1: Configuration & Preparation; Page 2: Camera Disassembly Continued; Page 3: Camera Disassembly Continued; Page 4: …
Results Using a $200 DSLR for Astrophotography
- The 600D is still an excellent DSLR for astrophotography. Although it lacks important features like cooling and precision gain control (found in modern dedicated astronomy cameras ), it excels in the category of versatility.
Canon 1100D - Good for Astro-Imaging? - Stargazers Lounge
- Thanks everyone for responding. It seems that a lot of people ate using the 1000d and the 1100d. I looked around for 1100d cameras and this one supposedly is like new with all the documentation etc. I went ahead and bought it for $250 dollars. I plan on using this camera exclusively for astrophotography so plan to do the modification.
Choosing the Best (Good Enough) ISO for …
- The ISO 1600 image I’d adjust by +1 stop, and the ISO 800 by +2 stops, etc. The image below is pretty telling. The photo taken at ISO 100 with the exact same amount of light is much noisier than the ISO 800 image. When equalized for brightness, the lower ISO images appear to have much more noise, at least for this particular camera.
New to forum, some astro images from Canon 1100D.: …
- The Canon 1100D has proven to be excellent for astrophotography and good starting point for those wishing to start in this hobby. Although it has been replaced by the 1200D it's worth chasing up a 1100D. The image of Thors helmet, was 36 subs at ISO 6400. Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker .Processed in Photoshop Cs2.. Cheers, Justin. View: original size
Canon EOS 60d, 600d or 650d for Astrophotography? - Cloudy …
- The 60D will have more features than the 600 series will as well as more ISO options which are key for long exposures. Plus the flip out display does come in handy when you are aligning your scope so you dont have to turn your head upside down to see the tiny screen...
What is the best ISO for your DSLR for astrophotography?
- Using a higher ISO just means you are amplifying the light you captured on the sensor. So your pixels never collect more photons, it is just that the signal is amplified. In a sensor this amplification can be done both analog and digitally. And this is the really important part of choosing the best ISO setting for your camera for astrophotography.
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