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Nikumaroro Satellite Photo - TIGHAR
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Clue In Old Photo Leads To New Search For Amelia …
- Taken in late 1937 off the South Pacific island of Nikumaroro, it interests investigators because of the object on the left side of the photo. Something is sticking out of the water.
Thanks to an Old Photograph, an Explorer Believes He …
- Eric Bevington took this photo of Nikumaroro Island in October 1937. “The Bevington Object” poking out from beneath the waves at the edge of the photo may be the landing gear of Earhart’s ...
Amelia Earhart's plane could finally be found thanks to an …
- The image was taken in 1937 by British colonial officer Eric Bevington to document his freighter, which had ran aground on Gardner …
Photo sleuthing by Northwest man backs up new Amelia …
- One part of the expedition team is searching outward from a spot on the atoll's reef that looks to the untutored eye like nothing more than a smudge on a British officer's landscape photo taken three months after Earhart vanished. But to Jeff Glickman's expert eye, that smudge sticking up out of the waves is likely a piece of a Lockheed airplane's landing gear.
Hiding in Plain Sight - TIGHAR
- TIGHAR is testing the hypothesis that the Earhart aircraft reached Nikumaroro, an uninhabited coral atoll 350 nautical miles southeast of Howland and landed safely on the island’s flat, dry reef. ... The photograph that may show the plane was taken in October 1937 by Eric Bevington, then a Cadet Officer of the British Gilbert & Ellice Islands ...
Nikumaroro - Wikipedia
- Nikumaroro, previously known as Kemins Island or Gardner Island, is a part of the Phoenix Islands, Kiribati, in the western Pacific Ocean. It is a remote, elongated, triangular coral atoll with profuse vegetation and a large central marine lagoon. Nikumaroro is about 7.5 km long by 2.5 km wide. The rim has two narrow entrances, both of which are blocked by a wide reef, which is dry …
Earhart Electra on Nikumaroro reef in June, 1941
- While R. Ballard searched the ocean off Nikumaroro for her plane, the "Bevington photo object" or landing wheel found in an October, 1937 photo of the reef and shipwrecked SS Norwich City on Gardner Island or Nikumaroro prompted me top seach all known photos for airplane wreckage. This was the first "eureka" find of four photos.
Recently unearthed photos could prove whether Amelia …
- Recently unearthed photos of the remote Pacific island near the site of a reef where researchers believe Amelia Earhart's plane may have landed during her doomed 1937 flight around the world could ...
The Image at Center of Earhart Probe: Photos - Seeker
- Nikumaroro The wallet-sized picture is one of many taken by British Colonial Service officer Eric R. Bevington in October 1937, during an expedition to assess the suitability for future settlement ...
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