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Aerial Photography : Florida » Map & Imagery Library - UF Libraries
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UFDC Home - Aerial Photography: Florida
- The online Aerial Photography: Florida Collection can be used to access and download aerial photographs from the library's extensive collection. The years available vary by county but extend from 1937 - 1990. Please note, the images are intended for education, historical evaluations, general planning purposes and aerial photograph preservation ...
Historical Aerial Photography of Florida
- An extensive selection of high resolution historical aerial photography of Florida is available from Aerial Archives. Historical aerial photographs are available for advertising and editorial use as well as for use to establish facts about historical conditions by law firms, investigators, and researchers conducting due diligence.
LABINS - Survey Data for Florida, aerial images.
- Florida Aerial Photography Archive Collection (APAC) is Florida's largest collection of aerial photography. This collection consist of over 450,000 digital images that date back to 1951 plus over 700,000 aerial photos that can date back to the 1940's. University of Florida - George A Smathers Library
Aerial Photography Archive - FDOT
- Search, request and download aerial photography using the Aerial Photo Look Up System ( APLUS ). Learn about the largest collection of aerial photography images of the State of Florida. A map of the most recent county aerial datasets available. (PDF 1.37 MB) A list of available aerial photography by county and years. (PDF 111 KB)
Aerial photographs of Levy County - Flight 4 (1940)
- Aerial photographs of Levy County - Flight 4 (1940) Series Title: Aerial photographs of Levy County Creator: U.S. Department of Agriculture Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture Publication Date: 1940 Physical Description: ... Aerial Photography: Florida University of Florida UF Map Library. Downloads:
Aerial Photography | National Archives
- The National Archives holds over 35,000,000 aerial photographs produced mostly by Federal Agencies. These records date from 1918-2011, covering both domestic and foreign sites. The vast majority of these aerial photographs are held by the Cartographic Branch, spread across various Record Groups and series. Aerial photography became an important part of the …
Aerial photographs of Manatee County - 1940 Index
- Aerial Photography: Florida University of Florida UF Map Library. Downloads: ... schemaLocation http:www.openarchives.orgOAI2.0oai_dc.xsd dc:title Aerial photographs of Manatee County - 1940 IndexAerial photographs of Manatee Countydc:creator U.S. Department of Agriculturedc:publisher U.S. Department of Agriculturedc:date 1940dc:type Aerialdc ...
Everglades Area Florida - 1940 Index
- Everglades Area Florida - 1940 Index Creator: U.S. Department of Agriculture Publisher: U.S. Department of Agriculture Publication Date: 1940. Subjects Genre: aerial photography ( sobekcm ) Record Information ... Aerial Photography: Florida University of Florida UF Map Library. Full Text:
UF Digital Collections
- The University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC) provides users free and open access to full unique and rare materials held by the University of Florida and partner institutio
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