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Alternative photographic processes A-Z
- Albumen prints. Replacing the salt print process by the 1840’s, albumen prints combine …
10 Amazing Alternative Photography Processes to Try
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List of photographic processes - Wikipedia
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Alternate Photographic Processes - Better Photography
- Several non-silver image making processes were invented right after the invention of silver gelatin methods—the classic black and white photography—now referred to as alternative photography. Here are a few alternatives: 1. Cyanotype: Iron salts sensitive to sunlight or UV lights are used to make Prussian-blue coloured contact prints. Cyanotype is quite popular among …
Definition of alternative photographic processes
- Cameraless photography – Qualifies since it’s not made with a lensed camera or digitally #1. Carbon and carbo – Qualifies since there is no factory made paper available #2. Chemigram – Qualifies since it’s not made with a lensed camera or digitally #1.
9 alternative processes every photographer should try at …
- 1. Tintypes Sometimes called “ferrotypes,” tintypes first emerged in the 1850s, along with some of the other processes... 2. Photograms These “camera-less photographs” have been a favourite of everyone from László Moholy-Nagy to Man Ray, so... 3. Lumen prints Lumen prints are a camera-less process, ...
8 Beautiful Alternative Processes for Photographers
- 8 Beautiful Alternative Processes for Photographers Carbon Transfer. A labor-intensive process that uses carbon pigment rather than inks or silver salts to produce a... Caffenol Processing. In the search for an eco-friendly printing solution, the team from Cahute bypassed photographing... Ambrotype. ...
The alternative photo processes mailing list
- The alt-photo-process mailing list is devoted to the discussion of alternative photographic processes. Since November 2020 the list has been moved to it's new home at All current members and archive are migrated to the new location. To subcribe you can go to: There are four list archive locations: (1994 …
Books on alternative photographic processes
- We only list the books on alternative photographic processes we truly recommend on the subject. If you buy through the links to Amazon, a small percentage of the price will go towards running this website.If however, you choose the options where it says “Buy directly from the author” most of the money goes to the author.
The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes
- The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes The Book of Alternative. NOTICE TO THE READER Publisher does not warrant or guarantee any of the products described herein or perform any independent analysis in connection with any of the product information contained herein. Publisher does not assume, and expressly disclaims, any obligation to ...
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