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Syllabus | Photography and Truth | Anthropology | MIT …
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Anthropology Syllabus [Detailed Semester-Wise List]
- Anthropology is a scientific study of how human beings have evolved over a period of time with growing linguistic, behavioural, geographical …
Syllabus - Photography and Writing: Crafting an …
- This course explores how photographs can be used as a tool in the writing process. Many well-known writers such as Sigmund Freud kept photographs to help develop theoretical ideas; many more-including Arthur Conan Doyle, Victor Hugo, Emile Zola, and
Syllabus Archive: Anthropology and the “Making” of Arts …
- Art and Anthropology Syllabus, Susan Ossman (University of California, Riverside) This 2013 course combined seminar and studio to explore theory and practices between anthropology and the arts. Class meetings were …
500 Level Courses & Syllabi | Department of Anthropology
- Syllabus. ANTH 513 Culture and Psychology (4 credits, Cultural). Bridges anthropology and psychology to explore the relationship between the individual and culture; includes such topics as emotion, personality, mental illness, and sexuality. Richlin Syllabus. ANTH 514 Activist Anthropology (4 credits, Cultural).
(PDF) Visual Anthropology Syllabus Fall 2016
- Read Paper. UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA FALL 2016 VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY Official Course ANT 3143 Description TIME & This course will introduce Picturing things, taking a LOCATION students to the principles that view, is what makes us guide the use of visual media human; art is making Thursdays (film, photography) in sense and giving shape to Class 14:30 ...
ANTH 370: Anthropology and the Image - McGill …
- Anthropology : An introduction to the role of the image in everyday life as it is revealed ethnographically. Topics will include the role of the image in thinking, dreaming, knowing, feeling and acting. An investigation of the way images, of one sort or another, constitute the material out of which much anthropological analysis is built.
Syllabus | Anthropological Theory | Anthropology | MIT …
- Course Description. Syllabus ( PDF) This course introduces students to some of the major social theories and debates that inspire and inform anthropological analysis. Over the course of the semester, we will investigate a range of theoretical propositions concerning such topics as agency, structure, subjectivity, history, social change, power, culture, and the politics of …
ANTH 398 E – Visual Anthropology
- through photography to classic and contemporary ethnographic film with a focus on Curtis, Flaherty, Mead, Gardner, Rouch and MacDougall. This course will not offer any practical training in photography or videography. This course is anthropology-specific, meaning that you will not be provided with a history of photography or cinema as such.
Psychological Anthropology Course Syllabi
- Colorado State University. Madness and Culture. James M. Wilce. Northern Arizona University. A collection of syllabi from the Anthropology and Mental Health Interest Group can be found here. The blog h-madness has also posted a number of syllabi for courses related to the history of psychiatry here.
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