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Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity and Self-Estee…
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Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity and Self …
- Anthropology and Studies in Visual Communication, which feature research involving photography; however, auto-photography is an approach that has been seldom seen in identity research and promises to provide researchers with a unique view into the formation and enactment of identity (Ziller, 1990). Traditional approaches to identity
(PDF) Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity …
- Auto-photography can be of benefit to those involved in identity and self-esteem research by circumventing obstacles involving language issues, marginalization, and age. Auto-photography is an improvement over traditional measures in that it allows those who may not be fluent the researchers’ language (or the dominant language of the country) to express themselves with …
Auto-photography Research Papers -
- This paper argues that auto‐photography is a particularly well‐suited method to explore the intricate relations between everyday practices, emotions and the formation of places. Auto‐photography combines participant‐generated photographs and participants’ interpretative narrations of these photographs.
View of Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity …
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Auto-photography | SpringerLink
- Auto-photography is a visual research method where research participants are asked to take photographs on predetermined themes. Often the themes concern the daily lives of the research participants and are extensive in nature, such as “who am I,” “my current life,” or “my daily struggles.”. The resulted photographs form the basis of photo-elicitation interviews that …
ERIC - EJ805685 - Auto-Photography as Research …
- Auto-photography is an important tool for building bridges with marginalized groups in the research process, since it offers researchers a way to let participants speak for themselves. Furthermore, by using this method researchers can avoid exclusive reliance on survey questionnaires and other such research instruments that may be culturally biased.
Auto Photography - Elsevier
- Auto-photography is an ethnographic field research method that attempts to ‘see the world through someone else’s eyes’. Of course, seeing from another person’s position is a fraught process, since gaining the true perspective of someone else is impossible. Auto-photography, however, provides a tool in qualitative and
Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity and Self …
- Auto-photography is a method of ethnographic research capable of creating an ecosystem in which researcher and reader see the world studied through the …
[PDF] Auto-Photography as Research Practice: Identity …
- Auto-photography is an important tool for building bridges with marginalized groups in the research process, since it offers researchers a way to let participants speak for themselves. Furthermore, by using this method researchers can avoid exclusive reliance on survey questionnaires and other such research instruments that may be culturally biased.
Participatory Methods: Auto-Photography – parCitypatory
- One of the first steps when coming into a community as a planner is to identify problems, challenges and solutions as well as existing ideas together with the neighbours. In this approach called auto-photography, the researcher or facilitator distributes cameras to some community members and asks them to take pictures of (for example):
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