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Botox injections for Platysmal Bands | Aesthetics MedSpa
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Botulinum Toxin Treat Platysmal Bands | Beauty Before Age
- Platysmal bands are caused by aging and thickening of two edges of the neck muscles that run up the front left and right sides of your neck mid-line, all the way to your chin. Botox® Cosmetic for Neck Bands photos of Dr. Binstock’s patients** How botulinum toxin works
Botox For Platysmal Bands or Neck Bands
- Pictures; Injectables; BOTOX® ... Platysmal Band Treatment with Botox Cosmetic. More. Botox For Platysmal Bands. Close *All information subject to …
Are these platysmal bands or loose skin? Would Botox …
- Answer: Neck bands Thank you for your photo. Most likely, the central band is your platysmal muscle. This can be improved with botox or a surgical platysmaplasty to release the band and to tighten the muscle. Hope this helps! Johnson C. Lee, MD Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon 1 person found this helpful
Botox for the platysmal bands to tighten the neck.
- Botox for the platysmal bands to tighten the neck. Dominique Well from Well Medical Arts explains how she uses Botox to tighten the neck by treating the platysmal bands. Learn more at or call 206-935-5689 to schedule your first treatment. EXISTING PATIENTS PLEASE CLICK HERE TO BOOK APPOINTMENTS ONLINE.
Platysmaplasty Before and After Photos - Facial Plastic …
- Contact Dr. Jacono today by completing our online form or call our NYC office 212-570-2500 or our Long Island location 516-773-4646 to see if a platysmaplasty procedure is right for you. More Platysmaplasty Photos Platysmaplasty Photo Gallery
Do I need surgery for this? Platysmal bands? (Photo)
- Your platysmal bands are significant and I doubt that you will be satisfied with botox which will only work for a few months at a time. A platysmaplasty and neck lift seems to be indicated based on your photos. See below link for more details. 1 person found this helpful
Platysmal Bands: Causes, Medical Treatment, and …
- Platysmal bands Botox treatment Botox (botulinum toxin type A injection) isn’t just for wrinkles. A 2018 research review showed that it may help reduce the appearance of platysmal bands by relaxing...
Botox for Platysmal Bands on Neck - YouTube
- Dr. Jennifer Reichel treats a 57 year old female patient with Botox to reduce the appearance of Platysmal Bands on the neck.
Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Mild to Moderate …
- This quantitative photonumeric assessment scale provides both lateral and frontal views of platysmal banding, ranging from minimal (1) to severe banding (5). These scores were then expressed either as a mean score change over all subjects or as a percentage of patients who improved by at least 1 point on the assessment scale.
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