Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Chris Jordan Photographic and much more about photography.
About — Chris Jordan photographic arts
- Chris Jordan is a photographic artist, filmmaker, cultural activist, and art educator. He is best known for his hard-hitting artworks that face the darkness of consumer mass-culture, including his projects titled Running the Numbers, Midway, and Intolerable Beauty. His paradigm-breaking film Albatross (2017) continues to reach audiences around ...
Chris Jordan photographic arts
- Chris Jordan photographic arts. Projects About Contact Previous Works. Open Menu Close Menu. Projects About Contact Previous Works. Ecstatic Desolation (Lago Llanquihue, Chile, 2020-2021) To the End of the World (Punta Arenas, Chile, 2021-2022) ...
Chris Jordan - Running the Numbers
- Chris Jordan's online photography gallery. Chris Jordan photographic arts. Beauty Emerging; Albatross; Running the Numbers; Running the Numbers II; Midway; Intolerable Beauty; E Pluribus Unum; Faya; Mandala 432; Camel Gastrolith; Ushirikiano; In Katrina's Wake; exhibits/resume;
Chris Jordan (artist) - Wikipedia
- Chris Jordan (born 1963) is an American artist, photographer and film producer based in Seattle, Washington. Works. Many of Jordan's works are created ... Running The Numbers I: An American Self Portrait (2006–2009) – A series of photographic mosaics depicting visualizations of statistics related to America's consumerism, social problems ...
Chris Jordan photographic arts is creating environmental …
- About Chris Jordan photographic arts Greetings and thank you for checking in. I am an American photographic artist and filmmaker, best known for my hard-hitting examination of consumerism in projects such as Running the Numbers , Midway , and others viewable on my website .
Chris Jordan – NCMALearn
- About. Chris Jordan lives and works in Seattle, Washington. After spending ten years as a corporate lawyer, Jordan quit his job in 2002 in order to pursue photography full-time. His work has been shown in numerous museums and galleries and reviewed in multiple major publications. Jordan has been the recipient of numerous awards including: the ...
How Chris Jordan's art went from apocalyptic to hopeful
- The photographer who showed the world an environmental crisis now wants to give us hope. Chris Jordan captured iconic, disturbing photos of birds dying from eating plastic. Now he wants to use the ...
Chris Jordan – Environmental Photographer of Mass Consumption
- Chris Jordan, environmental photographer, exposes shocking amounts of American mass consumption with his evocative, meaningful and brilliant large-format, long-zoom artwork. He illustrates the accumulated detritus of modern U.S. culture by meticulously arranging thousands of photographs into recognizable designs from afar and a jarring reality ...
Chris Jordan – Art Works for Change
- Chris Jordan explains his intention in transforming data into art: “E ach of us attempts to build this new kind of worldview. . . of the interconnection of things: the environmental footprints 1,000 miles away of the things that we buy; the social consequences 10,000 miles away of the daily decisions that we make as consumers.
Chris Jordan - Midway
- Chris Jordan - Midway. Midway: Message from the Gyre. (2009 - Current) share. about this project. On Midway Atoll, a remote cluster of islands more than 2000 miles from the nearest continent, the detritus of our mass consumption surfaces in an astonishing place: inside the stomachs of thousands of dead baby albatrosses. The nesting chicks are ...
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