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9 Creative Uses for Slow Shutter Speeds - Todd Henson Photography
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Guide to Slow Shutter Speed Photography | Get Creative!
- First, set your camera up on a tripod (otherwise the camera shake will be evident). For the crispest possible shot, you can also use a remote shutter release. Then, set your camera to manual or Shutter Priority mode. Select a slow shutter speed (e.g. 1/10 of a second) and fire away. What is an example of slow shutter speed? Once you dip below 1/100, you’re entering into what might …
How To Get Creative Photos Using a Slow Shutter Speed
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Creative Techniques - Slow Shutter Speed Photography
- Slow shutter speed photography waterfalls is a great example of using slow shutter speed technique to capture natural subjects. Slow shutter speed : Motion blur Typical shutter speeds for these photographs is in the range of 1/8 to 1/16 sec. Motion blur cam be used in many creative ways but waterfall photography is where it really shines.
Creative Ideas on How to Take Slow Shutter Speed …
- What is a Slow Shutter Speed Photography? You may have learnt that certain photos can be …
9 Creative Uses for Slow Shutter Speeds - Todd Henson …
- Using slow shutter speeds to create long exposures is a great way to add a little more creativity to your photography. The uses for slow shutter speeds are almost endless. Below are 9 examples. Examples of Slow Shutter Speeds 1. Waterfalls. Waterfalls are a classic example of using slow shutter speeds creatively in landscape photography.
How to be Creative with Slow Shutter Speed - SLR Lounge
- The creative possibilities with using slow shutter speed are endless. One of the great things about shutter speed is that you have a lot of creative options when it comes to implying motion. Adding motion to a still photography can turn a regular photo into …
7 Creative Effects You Can Achieve With Slow Shutter Speed
- 7 Creative Effects You Can Achieve With Slow Shutter Speed. Photographing in the manual mode allows you complete control over the photographic process and all the camera settings. Shutter speed, in particular, is one setting that allows you to explore a lot of creative ways to capture photos. While fast shutter speed is great to freeze motion, slow shutter speed …
3 Creative Exercises for Using a Slow Shutter Speed
- Set your shutter speed to five seconds and place the camera on a tripod. Press the shutter button and wait two seconds before you slowly start zooming your lens, continue until the exposure is completed. As you can see, it appears as if two images are put together into one.
Slow Shutter Speed — Creative Images Photography
- Solution: slow your shutter speed down to 1/30 of a second, check your image, you may want to go to 1/15 of a second. Those slower shutter speeds will allow your camera to capture the ambient light behind the bride and groom and give you and them a beautiful photo. You can leave your f/stop at f/8 and your ISO at 200.
How to Make the Most of Creative Shutter Speed in …
- A flying bird – 1/2000th will get you a sharp photo of a flying bird. Raindrop splashes – Look to use a shutter speed of 1/1000th or faster to freeze moving water. It’s possible to take water drop photos at slower speeds, but those often use a strobe flash to freeze the water rather than the shutter speed itself.
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