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Diana Kingsley
- Diana Kingsley. Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License . Muscle tone [right] (detail as palate cleanser) 2017, 7' x 2', aluminum, paint. Winslow 2018, 30” x 30”, archival pigment print. Artist's Breath 2015, 24" x 30", archival pigment print. Seaside Gala
Annotated — Diana Kingsley
- of Diana Kingsley by Tan Lin with anecdotes and emendations by M. Moore and E. Dickinson affair (Lake Temagami), see Ontario 3. Alfred Bullard Antiques 3, 15. American genealogies and affairs 15 “Anecdote of the Jar” (Wallace Stevens), see also “Bantams in Pine-Woods” 4. arrangements (of), affections (mushrooms vs. napkins) 14
Diana Kingsley - Kyndle yr Awne Ffyre - Exhibitions - Castelli Gallery
- Castelli Gallery is pleased to present Kyndle yr Awne ffyre, featuring still life photography and sculpture by Diana Kingsley. Through her work in both mediums, Kingsley continues to refine the distinctive style of her earlier photographs, defined by its synthesis of minimalist form, titillating color, and evocative subject matter.
Wilting Woodland Photography : Diana Kingsley
- I am in awe at the photographs of Diana Kingsley, which are both powerful and subtle at the same time. The impactful message requires a deep look, but will not be lost on the attentive to eye. Capturing the subtle parts of human activities that are changing the face of the natural world, her photos make a strong statement about the scrutinized ...
Text — Diana Kingsley
- Diana Kingsley. Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works License “Chateau Diana Kingsley” (text commissioned by the Theo Westenberger Estate, April 2015)
An Annotated Index to the Photographic Work of Diana …
- Poetry. Literary Nonfiction. Photography. Art. Asian American Studies. An index to the photographs of Diana Kingsley, with references to cheeses, children, crackle glazes, capillary action of colors, corn syrup mimicry, plants, doublets, embalmed moonlight, etiquette, Violent Femmes, 8:37 pm, furniture and the afterlife, Aunt Rooney, grief and the reversal of mischief, …
- Diana Kingsley. 25.08.11 — Jeff. Photos by Diana Kingsley. Share. Tags Diana Kingsley photographer photography. Related Articles. Secret Email Club. If you’re not a member of our Secret Email Club you’ve been missing out on a …
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- Text by Wendy Tweten Photography by Molly Shurtleff When it comes to interior design, Diana Bennett Wirtz Kingsley wrote the book. Really. An artist and holder of a master’s degree in interior design, Kingsley authored “Hand Drafting for Interior Design” during her years of teaching at the Art Institute of Seattle.
Diana Hensley Photography
- Diana Hensley Photography Call: 507-227-7654 Diana Hensley Photography Diana Hensley is a South Dakota native, currently residing in Minnesota. In the late 1990's her work and travel led her to remote places with many abandoned structures.
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