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Photography Diffuser - Ultimate Photo Tips
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What is a Light Diffuser — How Do They Work in Photo
- To put it simply, a light diffuser is a semi-transmittant piece of material placed in between a light source and a subject to diffuse the light as it passes through the material. This material does not solely block or cut light, but redirects light as it passes through for a diffused light spread on a subject.
Photography Diffuser - Ultimate Photo Tips
- If you are photographing a relatively small area, such as a portrait or flower, then a diffuser can be the answer. A diffuser is anything that’s white and translucent. It lets some of the light through, but not all of it, and the light that does pass …
Diffuser Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Definition of diffuser. 1 : one that diffuses: such as. a : a device (such as a reflector) for distributing the light of a lamp evenly. b : a screen (as of cloth or frosted glass) for softening lighting (as in photography) c : a device (such as slats at different angles) for deflecting air from an outlet in various directions.
- Diffuser Definition – What is Diffuser by SLR Lounge. Description: A diffuser is a …
What is a diffuser in photography? - Quora
- A diffuser is any material placed in front of a light source to make the light softer. This could be plastic, paper or fabric - basically any white opaque material that lets some amount of light through. The idea is to soften the light so that …
Diffuser Definition - What is Diffuser by SLR Lounge
- Description: A diffuser is a semitranslucent material placed between a light source and a subject which scatters light beams to soften light. A bare strobe produces a hard light, but if soft light is desired the strobe's light can be diffused. An example of a diffuser is a softbox which is placed around a strobe with diffusion material on its front face.
Diffusers, explained by RP Photonics Encyclopedia; …
- An optical diffuser is a device which can diffuse light, i.e., essentially means strongly scrambling its wavefronts and reducing its spatial coherence . In other words, one obtains random or pseudo-random changes of optical phase for different parts of …
Diffused light photography | Adobe
- Softbox diffuser. A softbox is a simple enclosure with a silver reflective interior and a white diffusion layer that goes over a light. Softboxes direct and diffuse the light as it passes through the screen. They are an indispensable light modifier for most studio photographers.
Definition of diffuser - iDigitalPhoto Dictionary
- diffuser. Definition: Accessory fitted to front of light-source or placed close to illuminated object which is designed to scatter or disperse light. * Usually semi-translucent material e.g. nylon weave, frosted plastics sheet, etc. Previous Term: diffuse-cutting filter Next Term: D-line. Type a photography term below to find its definition: *.
Light Diffuser - What it is and what it does - Diffuser …
- To diffuse something is to spread it out or to scatter. That’s what a light diffuser does. It scatters or spreads the light out and creates a softer light for you. They are also used in photography. Photographers use diffusers to aim the lighting, giving their subject the proper look for their objective.
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