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Syllabus – Basic Digital Photography
- Please see the full syllabus inside of Canvas. TITLE: JRN 204/ART 284, Basic Digital Photography CREDITS: 03 PREREQUISITES: None LOCATION: Online MEETING TIME: Asynchronous INSTRUCTOR: Charles Mason OFFICE LOCATION: OFFICE HOURS: TELEPHONE: 474-7761 EMAIL ADDRESS: COURSE DESCRIPTION
Digital Photography Course Syllabus
- Course Syllabus Page 1. Digital Photography Course Syllabus. Course Information. HUAS 6330.501 Digital Photography Fall 2007. WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM - 9:45 PM ATEC 1.104. Professor Contact Information. Marilyn Waligore, 972-883-2001,, AS 2.104, office hours: TUESDAY 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm and by appointment.
Course Syllabus Digital Photography Spring 2019
- Course Syllabus Digital Photography Spring 2019 Instructor: Ms. Joyce Symoniak Room: Art Studio E107 Office Hours: 2:30 – 4:30 M-F Meeting Days: A and C 8:10-9:50 Office: 630-907-5916 Direct line: 630-673-1078 Email:
Class Syllabus: Digital Photography 101 - UniversalClass
- Over the years digital SLRs, and other digital cameras, have become affordable, more powerful and much more complicated. This Digital Photography course is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of digital camera designs and capabilities, and the series of steps to take great photographs. You'll learn about lenses, when to use them and how to select the right …
Syllabus for Exposing Digital Photography - Harvard …
- This course explores the artistic aspects, basic scientific foundations, and techniques of digital photography with the goals of enabling students to expand their knowledge of photography as an art form, to develop a deeper and broader understanding of the photographic technique, and to effectively use photographic software tools, develop a reliable workflow and to manage their …
Digital Photography Syllabus & Course Outline - Holy …
- Digital Photography Syllabus & Course Outline Holy Savior Menard High School 2018-2019 Course Description: Digital Photography is a yearlong course that focuses on understanding the basic operations and functions of a digital single lens reflex camera and the manipulation of its settings to achieve a specific result. Students will learn about
Digital Imaging Resource Center - Digital photography
- DP 100 Achieving Quality in Digital Photography DP 200 Taking Digital Photography to the Next Level You too can achieve beautiful results with any digital camera. Irrespective of how many megapixels, you can produce award-winning digital photographs. It just helps to have some tips and suggestions from a course such as this program via FLAAR at BGSU. This syllabus covers …
- Photo One INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY Course Syllabus 1 Instructor: Trish Sullivan Office: VAF114 Hours: M & W 10am-11am Phone: 831.594.1799 E-mail: WELCOME TO CLASS! Class rule: Respect. For others, for yourself, and for school property. Materials:
Digital photo 101
- Digital Photography introductory course. FLAAR REPORTS. Contents Course Description 1 Introduction to Digital Photography 1 Syllabus for summer ‘04 course in Guatemala 1 Beginning through Intermediate to professional level 2 Introduction 2 Course Abstract 2 Target Audience 3 Course Objectives 4 Research and Preparation undertaken to prepare this course for you ...
- A Short Course in Digital Photography, Barbara London and Jim Stone. Supply List • 8 Megapixel or higher DSLR (digital camera) with manual shutter speed, f/stop and ISO settings. • Flash Drive • Batteries, chargers, and memory cards for the digital camera. A separate hard drive for home use is strongly recommended.
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