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[PDF] Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the …
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Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital …
- For Kodak, the invention and growth of digital photography was clearly a disruptive technology that had a dramatic impact on film sales. It was a once-in-a-hundred-years change for the company. Unlike the disk drive industry that is prominent in Christensen’s work, the move to ICT and digital changed the process by which the consumer captured, displayed and …
Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital …
- Download Citation | Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital photography revolution | The purpose of this paper is to analyze how a firm responds to a challenge from a transformational ...
Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the digital …
- Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the digital photography revolution ... Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the digital photography revolution ... PDF. Henry C. Lucas; Jie Mein Goh. All Authors. Sign In or Purchase. to View Full Text. 1. Paper. Citation. 2225. Full.
Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital …
- We extend Christensen’s theory of disruptive technologies to undertake this analysis. The paper makes two contributions: the first is to extend theory and the second is to learn from the example of Kodak’s response to digital photography. Our extensions to existing theory include considerations of organizational change, and the culture of ...
Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital …
- Kodak's middle managers, culture and rigid, bureaucratic structure hindered a fast response to new technology which dramatically changed the process of capturing and sharing images. Film is a physical, chemical product, and despite a succession of new CEOs, Kodak's middle managers were unable to make a transition to think digitally.
Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the digital …
- DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2009.01.002 Corpus ID: 206515175; Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the digital photography revolution @article{Lucas2013DisruptiveTH, title={Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed the digital photography revolution}, author={Henry C. Lucas and Jie Mein Goh}, journal={IEEE Engineering Management Review}, …
Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital …
- MOT 석사세미나 1 Disruptive technology: How Kodak missed the digital photography revolution. TOC • About the authors • Introduction • Past Research • Extending Christensen’s Theory • The case of Kodak • An analysis of Kodak’s response • Extensions to theory • Discussion and lessons learned. Aboutthe authors Henry C. Lucas, Jr. Robert H. Smith …
disruptive technology: how kodak missed the digital photography …
- (including disruptive technologies) and governance, a regulatory eco-environment of disruptive technological innovation. As can be seen from Figure 1 below, only five papers were
(PDF) Digital Disruption - ResearchGate
- Download full-text PDF Read full-text. ... (2009) Disruptive technology: how Kodak missed. the digital photography revolution. J Strateg Inf Syst. 18(1):46–55.
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