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Dodging - definition of dodging by The Free Dictionary
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What Are Dodging and Burning in Photography? - How-To …
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What Does It Mean To Dodge A Photograph?
- Dodging has been done since before you were able to say the word camera, it’s not something fancy those kids with Photoshop came up with. In fact, like lots of tools you find in Lightroom, dodging and burning is one of …
Dodging Definition - What is Dodging by SLR Lounge
- Dodging. dáǰɪŋ. sound. Term: Dodging. Description: Dodging is a post processing technique that dates back to the darkroom days and is now practiced digitally. Dodging is selectively lightening parts of an image. In discussion it is generally …
* Dodging (Photography) - Definition - Lexicon & Encyclopedia
- Dodging. Dodging and burning are terms used in photography for a technique used during the printing process to manipulate the exposure of a selected area (s) on a photograph ic print, deviating from the rest of the image 's exposure. [>>>] I think two of the most misunderstood tools found in most editing programs are the dodge and burn brushes.
Definition of dodging - iDigitalPhoto Dictionary
- dodging. Definition: (1) Technique for controlling local contrast during printing by selectively reducing amount of light reaching parts of print which would otherwise print too dark. * Used to 'hold back' or preserve shadow detail. * Dodging tools are usually small bits of card stuck onto ends of long thin wires.
What Are Burning And Dodging And How They Can Help …
- Burning and dodging are two darkroom techniques used when printing a picture. A negative is placed in a projector and then pointed at a piece of photo paper (much like a slide projector projects an image on a screen). That photo paper is not like the paper you might be used to printing on at home now. It is light sensitive, just like film, and ...
What is dodging and burning? | Digital Camera World
- Dodging and burning are two terms from the days of handprinting in the chemical darkroom, but are so prevalent in photography that their use has extended through to digital on-screen processing in software like Photoshop. In essence, to ‘dodge’ means to hold back the light from an enlarger lamp – thus making an area brighter in tone ...
An Introduction to Dodging and Burning in Photography
- 5. When you’re finished working with your dodging, you can then move onto burning. I prefer to dodge before burning since if I want to lighten any highlights in my image, I don’t want them getting darker first with the burn tool. Select your burn tool and, like we did with the dodge tool, choose the tonal range you want to darken.
Burning and Dodging - - Articles
- “Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships.” Burning and dodging helps to give your photos life and vibrancy. The care you take in burning and dodging your photos is a part of what separates your best photos from all the rest in your collection.
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