Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Don Shenk Photography and much more about photography.
Amish Images by Don Shenk (10 Photos & Video)
- Don Shenk is an award-winning photographer and Lancaster County resident (not to be confused with frequently-seen-here photo contributor Don Burke). Don has been photographing Amish scenes for decades, and has kindly shared some Amish-theme photos which I’d like to pass on to you. He also adds some comments to several of these below (along ...
Amish Images by Don Shenk (10 Photos & Video)
- Amish Images by Don Shenk (10 Photos & Video) Posted on October 28, 2021 in Amish Life. Don Shenk is an award-winning photographer and Lancaster County resident (not to be confused with frequently-seen-here photo contributor Don Burke). Don has been photographing Amish scenes for decades, and has kindly shared some Amish-theme photos which I ...
Don Schenk Photography | Cincinnati, OH - Photo-Studio.Co
- Fell free to contact Don Schenk from Don Schenk Photography located in 7413 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, OH, 45231, Hamilton county. If you have question about photo services in Cincinnati, OH, then contact Don Schenk from Don Schenk Photography at (513) 521-7307 or visit the office. Get prices for photography services, portraits & more.
Don Schenk Photography - Overview, News
- Who is Don Schenk Photography Don Schenk, Inc was founded in 1970, incorporated in 1979, and added ideapage in 1992 as its publishing department to teach marketing skills to other business owners. During one of its marketing workshops, one of the participants suggested the marketing strategie s being taught could be of great help to people who ...
Don Schenk Photography Inc - Cincinnati , OH - Company …
- Don Schenk Photography Inc was founded in 1978, and is located at 7413 Hamilton Ave in Cincinnati. Additional information is available at or by contacting Donald Schenk at (513) 521-7307. Our similar businesses nearby shows similar businesses in their industry and region based on information found in their Dun ...
Published Books by Don Shenk - Cynthia L Sperko Photography
- That is going back some years now. Being friends with Don has opened my eyes to new possibilities photographically speaking. It is a pleasure to announce that my friend, Don Shenk, has published 2 photo books. One is named, Season’s of Lancaster County PA. The other book is named, Lancaster County, from the publisher's Keepsake collection.
Donald Ray Shenk | Obituaries |
- Donald Ray Shenk, 78, of Lancaster, unexpectedly went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, December 23, 2021. He was the son of the late Paul S. and Grace ... Don was an avid photographer who was ...
about us, about Don Schenk, about Don
- a. Don rediscovered his love of photography and began studying it in earnest. b. Don and two friends built a commercial audio recording studio, which helped him develop his love for audio. c. Don met Mary Ann who has been a positive influence in his life for almost 40 years now. Upon completing college Don started his photography business as a ...
The Next Page: A photographer’s long look at Lancaster …
- Don Shenk has established himself as the area’s foremost scenic chronicler. Don Shenk has established himself as the area’s foremost scenic …
- Welcome to Jen Shenk Photography! I live in Elkhart, Indiana with my husband and three boys. I enjoy connecting with people and have always had an interest in photography, learning and practicing whenever I could on family and friends. I love capturing someone's personality and bringing out their unique and individual beauty-- at all ages.
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