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Eisenmann Photography
- Eisenmann Photography Portfolio Client Galleries Contact Client Access. Enter your Gallery ID: Go. Contact. United States. send message User Agreement. Cancel. Continue ...
Charles Eisenmann Photographs “Freaks” In The 1870's
- Eisenmann's photography was sold in the form of Cabinet cards, popular in this era, available to the middle class. The book Victorian Cartes-de-Visite credits Eisenmann with being the most ...
Charles Eisenmann, Photographer | Show History
- Charles Eisenmann was born in Germany in 1855, and he plied his photographic trade on the Bowery in New York City from the 1870's through the early-1890's. He was considered the premier photographer for freaks, dime museum and sideshow acts passing through NYC for some 20 years, photographing P.T. Barnum, Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill, Blind Tom ...
Eisenmann Photography - Home | Facebook
- See more of Eisenmann Photography on Facebook. Log In. Forgot account? or. Create new account. Not now. Community See All. 2,617 people like this. 2,610 people follow this. About See All (218) 591-7879. Contact Eisenmann Photography on Messenger. Photographer. Price range $$$
Ronald G. Becker Collection of Charles Eisenmann Photographs …
- Charles Eisenmann was an American photographer. His work, which dates from the Victorian-era "Gilded Age" (1870-1890), focused almost exclusively on the "freaks" of the circuses, sideshows, and living museums of New York's Bowery area. The subject matter was profitable enough to provide a living for both Eisenmann and Frank Wendt, his successor ...
The Freak Photography of Chas Eisenmann - CVLT Nation
- Meghan. Published. November 20, 2014. Charles “Chas” Eisenmann was the most notable and prolific producer of cabinet cards in Victorian-era New York City. From his Bowery studio, he produced some of the most well-known images of sideshow freaks, as he capitalized on the Victorian fascination with them. In the late 1880s, his cartes-de ...
- SASHA EISENMAN Portfolio; California Girls; About; Contact; Instagram; ×
Ulrike Eisenmann: Photographer of the week
- Ulrike Eisenmann combines her love for nature and passion for photography. Her landscape photographs always strive for an interesting light situation, colour combination and tend to be minimal. Beside landscape photography, Ulrike also has a passion for floral shots.
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