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The Forgotten Intimate Landscape - Outdoor Photographer
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How Eliot Porter Captured Nature’s Most Intimate
- Eliot Porter truly mastered the art of nature photography. After you’ve checked out some of his most impressive photo books, look over these tips and try capturing the environment with the same vigour and respect. FIND A STORY TO TELL When Porter captured the world around him, he often wanted to highlight elements the average person would overlook.
Eliot Porter’s Photographic Process - Land and Lens
- Porter used a medium format view camera designed to hold 4 x 5 inch sheets of film, mounted on a tripod. To photograph birds, a beloved subject, he used a system of strobe lights. He would typically spend several hours composing the scene. The Dye Transfer process enabled him to make full-color prints from film exposed in camera.
On Photography: Eliot Porter, 1901-1990 - Photofocus
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Eliot Porter | International Center of Photography
- Porter acquired a Leica in 1930, and in 1933 was powerfully moved by the photographs of Ansel Adams, who encouraged him to work with a large-format camera. Porter did so upon meeting Alfred Stieglitz, who exhibited his work at An American Place in 1939, after which Porter devoted himself to a photographic career.
Eliot Porter Photography - Holden Luntz Gallery
- Eliot Porter Maple leaves and pine needles. Tamworth, New Hampshire, October 3, 1956 Eliot Porter Maple sapling and rock. Passaconaway, New Hampshire, 1953 Eliot Porter Path in woods. Great Spruce Head Island, Maine, 1981 Eliot Porter Pool in a brook. Pond Brook, near Whiteface, New Hampshire, October 1953 Eliot Porter Red osier.
Eliot Porter | American photographer | Britannica
- Porter’s early photographs of birds were in black and white, but in the early 1940s he began using the then-new Kodachrome colour film, whose slow speed required the use of large flashbulbs in order to achieve correct exposures. Porter worked with a cumbersome large-format camera, valuing the greater detail this equipment allowed.
Eliot Porter (The J. Paul Getty Museum Collection)
- In 1939, he switched to color photographic materials, mastering the delicate multi-step printing techniques. Although Porter often struggled against an opinion that color photographs were not art, his exquisite prints earned him a Guggenheim Fellowship and a show at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
12 Great Photographs By Eliot Porter - John Paul Caponigro
- Enjoy this collection of photographs by Eliot Porter. Read a collection of quotes by Eliot Porter here. View a documentary on Eliot Porter here. View more 12 Great Photographs collections here.
Eliot Porter | Artnet
- Eliot Porter (American, 1901–1990) Eliot Porter was an American photographer known for his richly colored images of the natural world. “Every photograph that is made whether by one who considers himself a professional, or by the tourist who points his snapshot camera and pushes a button, is a response to the exterior world,” the artist mused.
Pioneer of Color Nature Photography: The Triumphs of Eliot …
- Title: Pioneer of Color Nature Photography: The Triumphs of Eliot Porter Author: hmanasilp Created Date: 11/13/2007 2:22:38 PM
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