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Ethnographic Photography | 19th Century Original Photographs
- eth·nog·ra·phy – a branch of anthropology dealing with the scientific description of individual cultures. During the 19th century photographers traveled the world to capture images of exotic lands and diverse people. The new medium of photography gave these adventurers the opportunity to bring back to their own lands, images that were ...
What makes ethnographic photography distinctive?
- This is a guest post by Todd Harvey, a folklife specialist and acquisitions coordinator at the American Folklife Center. John Cohen stopped by the other day to look at some photographs. Since the Library acquired John’s …
Harnessing the Power of Ethnographic Photography in …
- For instance, Bronislaw Malinowski’s 1922 classic work Argonauts of the Western Pacific, Claude Levi-Strauss’ (1995) Saudades do Brasil collection of photographs depicting 1930s Brazilian life, or Margarete Mead and Gregory Bateson’s 1942 book Balinese Character: A Photographic Analysis are among the most known academic publications that make extensive …
Ethnographic-Photos | DeviantArt
- Here's what to look for in a potential submission: First, this collection only includes photos. No other media is allowed. Also, the photos in this collection must be good enough aesthetically in technique and composition that the art of the photograph helps bring alive the subject, even for viewers with no knowledge or experience of the culture.
The Ethnography of Photography | Hazlitt
- The ethnography of photography, goofy as the expression may sound, is the ethnography of The Real—not the ethnography of what seems, …
Photography and the Ethnographic Method | Oxford …
- In this specific research context, my understanding was that photography would be a crucial source of recording and interpreting information in addition to more conventional anthropological means of information collection such as interviews, case studies of persons and events, press clippings, content analysis of exhibitions and exhibition catalogues, and so on …
The ethnographic collection - Museum of Cultural History
- Photo: Kulturhistorisk museum, UiO Notable collectors Since the University’s ethnographic museum was established in 1857, explorers, diplomats, seamen, missionaries, anthropologists and others have added objects from all corners of the world to the collection.
Collecting guide: Ethnographic portrait photographs
- Photographs, from the 1840s until our digital present, have provided an irrefutable mass of evidence of enormous value to enquiring minds of every stripe. Through photographs we can reconstruct history. We see a record of people, places, costume, architecture, innovation, conflict, social customs, and events.
Ethnographic Photography Illustrations, Royalty-Free …
- Choose from Ethnographic Photography stock illustrations from iStock. Find high-quality royalty-free vector images that you won't find anywhere else.
Ethnographic Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture: A …
- Ethnographic collections are multi-format, unpublished, created works that document cultural groups. Such collections may be broad or narrow in scope, and large or small in size.
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