Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Faye Schulman Photography and much more about photography.
Faye Schulman | Holocaust Encyclopedia
- Faye Schulman was born to a large family on November 28, 1919, in Lenin, Poland. She learned photography from her brother Moishe and assisted him in his photography business. On August 14, 1942, the Germans killed 1,850 Jews from the Lenin ghetto, including Faye's parents, sisters, and younger brother.
Faye Schulman | Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation
- Faye Schulman was born to a large family on November 28, 1919 in Lenin, Poland. She learned photography from her brother Moishe and assisted him in his photography business. On August 14, 1942, the Germans killed 1,850 Jews from the Lenin ghetto, including Faye's parents, sisters and younger brother. ...
Life in Canada with My Mom Faye Schulman
- We just celebrated her 101 years young birthday on November 28th, 2020. In spite of Covid, our celebration seemed even more momentous than last year. Rest assured that I'll continue to keep this site updated about any significant changes. My Mom, Faye Schulman, at her 100th birthday party in November 2019. After the war, she met my father.
Faye Schulman: The only WWII Jewish partisan …
- Faye Schulman, the only known Jewish partisan photographer during WWII, died on April 24th, 2021 at the age of 101. Schulman was saved from being massacred by Nazis in Poland, forced to work as a Nazi photographer, and finally managed to escape and live in the woods as a partisan —where she was the only Jewish woman amongst a group of non-Jewish …
Faye Schulman obituary: Jewish photographer who
- Photograph: Faye Schulman Faigel Lazebnik was the fifth of seven children born to Yakov and Rayzel (Migdalovich) Lazebnik. Her mother was a caterer, her father a fabric merchant.
Faye Schulman, partisan photographer who captured …
- Schulman worked in a dress factory and later in photography and art, hand-tinting black-and-white photos and painting in oils and watercolors. Morris Schulman died in 1992.
Pictures of Resistance - Jewish Partisan Educational …
- Born in Poland in 1924, Faye Schulman received her first camera from her brother when she was 13. It was that camera which ultimately saved her life, and allowed her to later document Jewish partisan activity. She is one of the only known Jewish partisan photographers. Schulman's rare collection of images captures the camaraderie, horror and loss, bravery and triumph of the rag …
Jewish Woman Photographing Resistance Fighters
- Faye Schulman’s photographs are a rare glimpse into the life of Jewish partisan fighters during World War II. As a young woman, Faye Schulman witnessed the murder of her family and friends at the hands of the Nazis – and resolved to fight back any way she could. A professional photographer, she documented Nazi massacres.
World War II: Photography exhibit offers rare glimpse of …
- MILWAUKEE — In a time of war and genocide, only three things stood between Faye Schulman and certain death: a camera, the ability to use it well and a lot of bravery. On Thursday, March 28, the Jewish Museum Milwaukee, a program of Milwaukee Jewish Federation, 1360 N. Prospect Ave., will launch “Pictures of Resistance:
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