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Françoise Huguier - The Eye of Photography Magazine
- October 20, 2020. The Galerie Maeght exhibits Françoise Huguier as an extension to the museum exhibitions of the FRAC Occitanie Toulouse and the Musée du Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac. Photographer and adventurer, she explores, seeks, finds and brings back photographs and with it in her suitcases objects collected from the four corners of the globe.
Françoise Huguier explains - The Eye of Photography Magazine
- Avec la voix de Françoise HuguierFrançoise Huguier a passé plus de trois ans à travailler sur son projet des appartements communautaires de Saint-Pétersbourg. Elle s’est petit à petit familiarisée avec les résidentsWith the voice of Françoise HuguierFrançoise Huguier spent more than three years working on the community apartments of Saint Petersburg. Slowly but …
Françoise Huguier: Kommunalka - The Eye of Photography …
- Françoise Huguier: Kommunalka. Françoise Huguier, Appartements communautaires, petite fille, 2002-2007. “Someone was kicking my bedroom door: I woke up with a jolt. It was four in the morning. Two guys holding bottles of vodka insisted we got to know each other. Their room was at the end of the corridor.
Françoise Huguier - The nuns - The Eye of Photography Magazine
- Subscribe now for full access to The Eye of Photography! That’s thousands of images and articles, documenting the history of the medium of photography and its evolution during the last decades, through a unique daily journal. ... Françoise Huguier – Les Nonnes Until September 30th Le Couvent 36, rue Bariol 84400 Apt. www.francoisehuguier ...
Françoise Huguier, Virtual Seoul - The Eye of Photography
- Françoise Huguier. September 9, 2016. From September 10 th to October 29 th ,The Galerie Polka presents “Virtual Seoul”, a new series by photographer Françoise Huguier, 2016 winner of the Albert Kahn prize. These photographs capture the diversity and eccentricity of today’s South Korea.
Françoise Huguier - The Eye of Photography Magazine
- En parallèle à l'exposition de la Maison européenne de la photographie, Françoise Huguier est aussi sur les cimaises de la galerie Polka avec une exposition intitulée Etrange beautés. L’univers de Françoise Huguier est dense, ses inspirations viennent des quatre coins du monde et son attirance pour l’étrangeté se répercute sur l’ensemble de son œuvre.To coincide …
Françoise Huguier Color Photography Art: Prints, Paintings, …
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Public Housing Photography : FRANCOISE HUGUIER
- This particular collection by Francoise Huguier, 'Don't Move,' is a collection of photos she took when staying in Singapore with the Housing Development Board. She focused her camera lens on the people that resided there, successfully exposing the beauty of the people. Check out Francoise Huguier's website to view more of her work.
Françoise Huguier | rn7
- Workshop avec Françoise Huguier du 10 au 13 octobre 2019 dans la Drôme
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