Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about French Photography Vocabulary and much more about photography.
30 French Photography Terms - frenchtoday
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30 French Photography Terms - frenchtoday
- French Photography Vocabulary. La photographie (l’activité) – photography; Se mettre à la photographie, se lancer dans la photographie – to …
French Photography Words -
- Here you will find a complete list of French photography vocabulary words. If you travel to France and happen to find yourself in a photography shop needing assistance then you’ll find these words very useful. Note that usage of many of these words is outdated given the increasing popularity of the digital camera over traditional film cameras.
Photography - French Vocabulary -
- Explore the French vocabulary of Photography in this sound integrated guide. Touch or place your cursor over an object to hear it pronounced aloud. Prove …
Vocabulary related to photography in French - Blog Albert Learning
- People capture their memories in photographs. For having the best kind of shots, one should know photography well. And in this article, you will learn to talk about all things related to photography in French. Use these new words you learn to talk in French like a native. 1. une photo. Meaning: a picture produced using a camera. English: photograph
French Photography Glossary and Museum List - artnet …
- Hours: Open: 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Tuesday through Wednesday, and 2 p.m.–6 p.m., Saturday; Closed: Sunday and Monday. Maison Européenne de la Photographie–Paris. About: Opened in …
french photography vocabulary Flashcards | Quizlet
- Start studying french photography vocabulary. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Fine Arts, Painting French Vocabulary 🎨 - frenchtoday
- Un scultpeur / une sculptrice – sculptor – note that the p is totally silent in these words in French. Un illustrateur / une illustratrice – illustrator. Un dessinateur / une dessinatrice – well hum… drawer – graphic artist. Un/une photographe – photographer – here is a lesson about the French photography vocabulary.
7 French Art Terms You Should Know | Artsy
- This French compound, which literally translates to “placing on stage,” or “putting on stage,” is one of the most misunderstood of all art terms. First used in theater around the year 1833, the phrase originally referred to all of the visual effects overseen by a theater director—including compositional design, lighting, and the placement of actors.
From A to Z: Photography Terms Glossary -
- Aspect ratio. Aspect ratio defines the relationship between an image’s lengths, represented as width:height. It is predetermined by the dimensions of the camera’s sensor, but can be altered in post processing. The most common aspect ratios are 3:2 (full-frame, mirrorless, 35mm film) and 4:3 (most DSLRs). Recently, 4:5 has gained popularity ...
A Glossary of 251 Most Essential Photography Terms
- Full-Frame Sensor –. A full-frame sensor is the photography term used to describe the physical dimensions of a camera sensor that measures 36mm x 24mm. This is the same size as a single frame of 35mm film. It is relevant when discussing the focal length of camera lenses and their field of view.
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