Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Fsa Photographer Dorothea and much more about photography.
Dorothea Lange: The FSA photographer who put a face to …
- Armed with a camera and a good dose of outrage and compassion, Dorothea Lange set out to change that. Gordon Parks' cinematic photos …
Dorothea Lange: 500 FSA Photographs Paperback – May …
- Dorothea Lange was perhaps the best-known photographer working for the Farm Security Administration (FSA), mostly because of her iconic photograph Migrant Mother. But she did a lot of other fine work, too, as this book demonstrates. The Library of Congress has about 3800 Lange FSA photographs, of which 499 are high-quality scans.
Dorothea Lange FSA Photographs Volume 1 Kindle Edition
- One hundred photographs by Dorothea Lange taken for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) during the 1930s, from the Library of Congress collection. …
FSA Photographer: Dorothea Lange - TeacherVision
- FSA Photographer: Dorothea Lange; FSA Photographer: Dorothea Lange. Download. Add to Favorites. CREATE NEW FOLDER. Cancel. Manage My Favorites. Share. Read about Dorothea Lange's achievements, and explore the related activities to learn more about this great photographer. Grade: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8.
How FSA Photography Changed the World
- Dorothea Lange and Migrant Mother. Perhaps one of the best examples of the FSA's work is the image known as "Migrant Mother" by Dorothea Lange. In 1936, while traveling through Niporno, California, Lange came across a mother …
Farm Security Administration Photographs - NYPL Digital …
- NYPL's Farm Security Administration (FSA) collection is comprised of approximately 40,000 photographs taken during the 1930s and 1940s by Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein, Walker Evans, and Russell Lee, among others. Initially the government project documented the Resettlement Administration’s distribution of cash loans to displaced and ...
Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information …
- Photographers of the FSA: Selected Portraits This sampler of portraits from the Prints and Photographs Division depicts photographers who worked for the Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information. It includes well-known figures such as Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, and Ben Shahn, as well as other, less well-known FSA/OWI photographers.
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