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Fungi and Mushroom Photography Tips - PictureCorrect
- To photograph fungi all you need is a simple set-up, so this form of photography is widely accessible and thoroughly enjoyable. Where To Find Fungi. Different types of fungi need their own habitats, but most will be found growing in deciduous woodland. The best places to look for them are on fallen branches and decaying stumps.
How to Photograph Fungi In 10 Easy Steps | ePHOTOzine
- Pick the right season. The reason why this technique is something that's mentioned at this …
Fungi photography | Robert Canis Photography Blog
- 15 thoughts on “ Fungi photography ” Gary Stamp October 6, 2013 at 9:40 am. Great post Bob – definitely some great tips to try and execute. Joan Weston October 6, 2013 at 10:57 am. Fabulous photographs which truly inspire – both …
How to Photograph Fungi | Wex Photo Video
- A remote release – Depressing the shutter-release button by hand often brings a slight vibration into the process of creating an image, so cut this …
Fungi and Mushroom Photography Tips
- The fact is that fungi do actually make great subjects for photos, and I want to share a few tips on photographing them in this article. Mushroom Mosaic by Red~Star (off & on--taking care of Jasmine) on flickr (licensed CC-BY-SA) When we talk about fungi, we are often referring to mushrooms, which are actually the fruiting bodies of the fungi.
Tips For Achieving Better Photos Of Fungi - WildNature Photo …
- When you find a clump of fungi, make sure you use a small aperture size (such as f22) so that you can get more of the fungi in focus. Focus on one or two of the most prominent ones and let your aperture control the depth-of-field. #5 Extension Tubes For Closer Focus. Using extension tubes allows you to focus much closer on tiny fungi.
How to take fantastic photos of fungi - Amateur …
- Use controller to move camera back and forth on the rail until lens is focused just in front of the nearest part of the fungi. Set as start point via controller. 4. Move camera forwards on the rail until lens is focused just beyond the furthest part of …
How to Photograph Mushrooms, Toadstools and Fungi
- Perhaps the most effective way of entering the world of Mushrooms and Toadstools and drawing the viewer of your image into your shot is to get down low and shoot from ground level. This will enable you to see the textures, shapes and colors of not only the top dome of the mushroom but it’s underbelly. It will also give your mushroom height ...
32 Weird & Wonderful Fungi & Mushroom Pictures - The …
- Based in New Zealand, Bernard has well over 300 pictures of fungi of all shapes, sizes, and colors. His photography shows how diverse fungi is and how bizarre and wonderful they are to photograph. But Bernard hasn’t just photographed the fungi. He’s also read up on each species he’s shot and posts his pictures of fungi with names and ...
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