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Stock Photo and Image Portfolio by galitsin | Shutterstock
- Photo and image portfolio by galitsin, featuring 6,253 high-quality, royalty-free images.
Galitsin High Resolution Stock Photography and …
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Photographie Portraits: Galitsin's Angels - Blogger
- Galitisin's Angels is the first in a series of photo galleries that Mr Galitsin published.He is one of the great photographers of our era,and his spcialty is very Galitsin's Angels by Grigori Galitsin - New, Rare & Used Galitsin's Angels by Grigori Galitsin - Find this book online from $26.11. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace.
Galitsin's Angels ~ Photographie › Portraits - Blogger
- Galitisin's Angels is the first in a series of photo galleries that Mr Galitsin published.He is one of the great photographers of our era,and his spcialty is very Galitsin's Angels by Grigori Galitsin - New, Rare & Used Galitsin's Angels by Grigori Galitsin - Find this book online from $26.11. Get new, rare & used books at our marketplace.
Galitsin Works A-Z (1999-2018) - JS Photography
- Re: Galitsin Works A-Z (1999-2015) Think about it fellas. Don't you feel a bit GUILTY. At least think of these women with some respect. What I mean is, because the human nature is what it is and because these girls do that job forced by different circumstances, I think some respect is in order. If not for their bodies or beings, at least for ...
- David Hamilton is best known for his soft-focus, dreamy, grainy style of his images, David Hamilton set the fine art photography aesthetics of his time. The soft focus and muted colours, the lines created by the human form and captured by Hamilton are beautiful and representative of his style. He has published numerous photography books ...
Galitsin's Angels by Grigori Galitsin - 1st Edition - 2005 - from ...
- The Russian artist and photographer Grigori Galitsin was born in Razdelnaya near Odessa at the Black Sea in 1957. He studied classical painting at the art academy in St Petersburg. Today he lives and works in Volgograd. Galitsin's grandfather gave him his first camera, one of the first Leica models, which he'd bought from the German army in 1947.
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