Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Gary Otte Photography and much more about photography.
GaryOtte.Com - Gary Otte Cinematographer
- Photo Images, Media Content, Cinematographer, Director of Photography, demo reel. GaryOtte.Com: Gary Otte Cinematographer Photo Gallery Roller Derby Documentary Contact Whether it is a feature length movie, documentary, commercial or sporting event, Gary's visual storytelling draws in the viewer leaving them feeling they are part of the action. ...
Gary Otte | Director of Photography – On the Wings of Men
- An artist with light, color and motion, Gary Otte brings a creative eye as director of photography to the look of movies, documentaries and commercials. His talent is exhibited in the camera angles and lighting design he creates to best convey the story’s tone. Gary’s visionary cinematography has brought him onto film and television ...
Gary Otte | Interior view of a gallery, people viewing items | Archnet
- Gary Otte is an architectural photographer based in Vancouver, Canada. He studied photography at the Polytechnic of Central London (now the University of Westminster), and architecture at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has photographed buildings, both modern and ancient, in all parts of the world, and has covered projects for the Aga ...
Gary Otte - Cinematographer/Director of Technical …
- Gary Otte. 2003 - Present19 years. California, Colorado, Kansas. My responsibility as a DP is to work with the Director and Producer by making the visions of a video project to come to life. I ...
Gary Otte | Gravel path and hardscape with Aga Khan Museum …
- Gary Otte is an architectural photographer based in Vancouver, Canada. He studied photography at the Polytechnic of Central London (now the University of Westminster), and architecture at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has photographed buildings, both modern and ancient, in all parts of the world, and has covered projects for the Aga ...
Gary Otte-Photographer Ltd · rview, Vancouver
- Gary Otte-Photographer Ltd (Licence# 97-056351) is a business licenced with Vancouver, Community Services Group - Licence Office. Search. Business Overview. Licence Number: 97-056351 : Licence Revision Number: 00 : Business Name: Gary Otte-Photographer Ltd : Business Type: Photographer: Address: rview Vancouver : Local Area: Fairview :
Gary Otte | Aerial view over the coastline | Archnet
- Gary Otte is an architectural photographer based in Vancouver, Canada. He studied photography at the Polytechnic of Central London (now the University of Westminster), and architecture at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has photographed buildings, both modern and ancient, in all parts of the world, and has covered projects for the Aga ...
Depth of Field: The Aga Khan Beyond the Lens - the.Ismaili
- The photographer, Gary Otte, has since taken many thousands of photos of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s visits to his Jamats, his meetings with world leaders, and AKDN projects across the world. Printed photographs allow us to peek into the past, to an era before camera phones and Instagram, and also help us to learn how we arrived where we are today ...
Amazon - Depth of Field: The Aga Khan Beyond the Lens: …
- Gary Otte accompanied the Aga Khan as a photographer for more than thirty years, and gained unique access to official archives. ... GARY OTTE is a photographer who has covered the work of the Aga Khan and projects for the Aga Khan Development Network since 1984. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. Tell the Publisher!
Gary Otte: Depth of Field. Prestel Publishing (Hardcover)
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