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Creating, Editing and Sharing a set of Favorites - For Visitors
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All About Favorites Lists - Zenfolio
- Click on of these options to perform the selected option: Click Downloadto download all of the photos from the list to your computer. Click Emailto open your computer's default email program and create a new email to send to the client. …
Creating, Editing and Sharing a set of Favorites - For Visitors
- Sharing a Set with the Photographer Click the Share Favorites button at the top of the page. A pop-up window will appear. In the Share to Photographer tab, edit the title of the Favorites List. Enter a the message to the photographer in the field provided. Click Share.
Zenfolio - How To Share Favorites - YouTube
- Save 10% for Zenfolio photo gallery subscription, promo code: AZP-8G1-E7RThis is how clients can select images in your Zenfolio gall...
Best Ways To Send Photographs and Photo Galleries To Clients
- Share photos with your clients by creating an online photo gallery. With ease, they can view and select photos, then buy and download their favorites. The Zenfolio online photo sharing services allow you to do just this, with an advanced password-protected gallery builder, photo sharing options for photographers, and store integration. What’s ...
Selecting favorites, sharing and downloading using Zenfolio
- In the video below you will see how to use the new Zenfolio feature called Favorites. This is the perfect way for customers to choose their favorite photos which they want the photographer to edit. This is also a great way for customers to choose their favorites and share the photos with their friends.
How to create a favorites set and share them with JargaPix
- This page explains how to create a favorites set in Zenfolio and share them with JargaPix Photography. ... Select the Share with Photographer tab. Enter your name and email address. Enter a message. Click Share. Sending a Set link to a friend. Use the links provided to share your set with a friend. The Read-Only link allows your friend to only ...
Sharing Your Galleries - Zenfolio
- In your account, click on the Galleries icon on the far left-hand side. Select the Gallery you want to share. In the Gallery, click on the Share button, in the top right-hand corner.
How to create a Favorites Folder in Zenfolio - YouTube
- http://kauaiphotographer.A comwalk through on how to create a favorites folder in your zenfolio gallery to share with your photographer or others.
How to Create and Share a Gallery - Zenfolio
- From your Zenfolio dashboard, click on the galleries tab. Next click add gallery, go ahead and give your gallery a name and then enter the shoot date then click next. Now we’re going to select our shoot type and then we’re going to choose the location where we want this gallery to be stored.
Managing and Uploading To Your Galleries - Zenfolio
- Upload Photos/Videos to an existing Gallery. Within the Gallery you'd like to upload to, click on Add Photos or Add Media. Choose whether or not you want to skip duplicate files. Then use the Browse button to select files from your computer, or drag the files into the uploader.
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