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How to Evaluate Your Own Photography | Fstoppers
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How to Evaluate Your Own Photography | Fstoppers
- How to Evaluate Your Own Photography Consider Intent. While you were making your photographs, what were you trying to achieve? This is …
Properly Evaluate Your Own Photographs – PhotolisticLife
- Properly evaluating your photographs does not mean sitting in front of your computer with a magnifying glass (most photo editing software has a tool for this for those of you that enjoy it). To properly evaluate a photograph …
Tips for how to critically evaluate your own photography.
- Examining your photos doesn't have to be an exhaustive process; rather, it can be as simple as being curious about how you could have made an image better. Critical evaluation is not only about recognizing what you may have done better, but …
Evaluating your photos — Photocritic Photo School
- Evaluating your photos. Haje Jan Kamps. December 29, 2011. Advice, Feature Articles. As the end of the year rolls around, it becomes natural to take a look at what you've done over the past year... And as a photographer, taking a closer look at the past year of photography can be extremely exciting indeed! Apart from just taking a closer look at your own photos, if …
How to Assess and Analyze a Good Photo - How-To Geek
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15 Questions To Ask Yourself When Evaluating A Photo
- Cropping of the photo. Density (lightness or darkness) in the overall photograph. Contrast (the range between the lightest and darkest areas of the photo) Details (or lack thereof) in shadows and highlights. Depth of field.
How to Review Your Own Photography
- By the second round, things are looking up; the processing has been tweaked, the total rejects have been removed (but not discarded, not yet), and the shoot looks like it may be salvageable. At the end of the third go-through, things look pretty good, and it’s just a matter of cherry-picking the best from the lot.
6 Tips on How to Review Images Including Your Own
- 6 Tips on How to Review Images Including Your Own 1. Replace the phrase, “I like it because” with, “This image works because” When you start reviewing an image talk in... 2. Is there a clear subject for the viewer? Now that you’re looking at images objectively, let’s dig in to some of the... 3. Does ...
How to Know if Your Photo is Good or Not – The Art of …
- If you can imagine your photo in those scenarios then it’s probably a good photo and you should include it in your portfolio. 7. Go With Your Gut. For all of the different ways that you can critique or evaluate a photo, sometimes you just have to go with your gut feeling.
How to Analyze a Photograph : 7 Steps - Instructables
- Step 1: Find an Image to Analyze. Find any high quality commercial image (stock photos, advertisement images, documentary stock, etc.). I have chosen an image (above) that I found on a website called Unsplash. Keep in mind the key search term that you typed in to find your image as it can be useful in analyzing the image in further steps.
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