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Urban Photography: The City Comes Alive At Night
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15 Secrets for Night Street Photography (City Streets at …
- How to Keep Safe During Street Photography. …
How to Get Outstanding Urban Night Photographs
- Within the urban space at night, anything that is emitting light can be considered a potential subject. So to start with, office blocks, hotels, shop windows and the general architecture can all be photographed. Just because it’s dark, don’t forget to consider the architectural detail.
Seven Tips for Photographing Cities at Night | B&H eXplora
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7 Common Urban Night Photography Questions Answered
- Q: How do you take tack sharp photos at night? A: I use manual focus. Q: Do I need a new/expensive full-frame camera? A: Absolutely not. I’ve published and sold night pics taken with my 12MP crop sensor Nikon D90 from 2008! I took this blue hour photo years ago with a 12 MP Nikon D90 (released in 2008) and kit lens.
13 Amazing Night Photography Ideas
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Night photography: The basics & tips for beginners | Adobe
- Nighttime photography settings are a good place to begin: opening up your aperture, slowing down your shutter speed, or (controversially) fiddling with your ISO (the sensitivity of your digital camera — comparable to film speed in a film camera). But you can also look for ways to adjust the light on your subject.
Urban night photography – Tips to improve your practice
- Thanks to the urban lights of the night, a building you pass by everyday without even noticing it, can become intriguing, mysterious, even fascinating. This is how I became passionate about the Parisian night groceries, real urban oasis of light, once the sun set. Bottom line: With night photography, rediscover locations you think you know.
Urban Photography: The City Comes Alive At Night
- Photographing at night is an entirely different story. You’ll now be at the mercy of the available light cast by streetlamps, ambient structure lighting and the occasional headlight of a passing car. The lack of abundant light will make it that much more important to cover all four walls of your frame, ensuring that you include everything ...
In the Dark: 10 Tips for Street Night Photography
- Here are 10 tips for street night photography – so you’ll think about starting your next street photography session at twilight! 1. Use the ideal camera settings for sharpness at night To freeze motion during the day, I prefer to use a shutter speed of 1/320s, with 1/160s as my lower threshold. At night, this changes.
18 Secrets for Taking Awesome City Photography
- Urban photographers hit the streets for many hours at a time in all weather conditions. Dress comfortably, stay warm in the winter. Make sure to dress in layers and have good shoes. If you are carrying heavy equipment, a backpack is more comfortable than a shoulder bag. Keep Looking and Experimenting
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