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Why Wedding Photography is SO Important. Don't Regret it.
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12 Best Things About Being a Wedding Photographer
- You get to spend the day capturing romance, laughter, joy, anticipation, excitement, and many other photographic moments for your …
The Ultimate Guide To Wedding Photography (97 Best …
- Wedding photography requires several features that combine the advantages of sport and portrait cameras. The camera has to be able to perform well in low light, have fast autofocus, has to have a variety of lenses compatible with the brand …
What Really Interests A Candid Wedding Photographer
- Indian weddings are events that a candid wedding photographer looks forward to. Reason being that weddings in India = huge guest list with a few exceptions, colour, emotional moments, dramatic elements, bonhomie, music, dance etc. There is nothing organised or somber about Indian weddings whatever be the scale of spending. It is celebrations in the true sense of …
Why Wedding Photography is SO Important. Don't Regret it.
- Wedding Photography is about unique moments, it’s about being able to relive the day through beautiful photos, this is smiling at moments you …
My Love Affair with Wedding Photography - KEEPING IT …
- In essence, the thing I love most about wedding photography is that it takes you to places you would never normally see and it transports you into the lives of strangers who for a day at least often feel like your friends. You witness their nerves, their tears, their love, happiness as well as pure joy and laughter.
10 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Wedding Photographer
- Professional photography is an essential part of any wedding as it involves capturing everything that goes on during the wedding day. While items such as flowers, decor, and attire wilt or are put in storage after the wedding day, your wedding photographs are items that exist long after the celebration to remind you of every single detail of the day.
The Pros and Cons of Being a Wedding Photographer
- Wedding photography is a blend of many genres, including portraits, landscapes, fashion and reportage. That's what makes it interesting and it's not suitable for anyone who isn't open minded. You have to be willing to improve in areas where you aren't that good, but in the end the awesome photos and the satisfied customers are worth it.
72 Wedding Photography Quotes for Inspiration
- These wedding photography quotes can help refresh your mind and remind you why you chose this profession in the first place. We are making photographs to understand what lives mean to us. — Ralph Hattersley. It is a profound honor as a photographer to witness two people falling in love. – Jesh de Rox.
5 Pros and Cons of Being a Wedding Photographer
- This is an interesting one because it’s both a pro and a con as you will see! The seasonality of this job is fantastic! We love that we get to take a break part of the year, and wedding photography is a job that is very similar to teaching! Pretty much 90% of our income comes in 6 months out of the year!
The 10 Most Difficult Things About Being A Wedding …
- Today we’re going to reveal our 10 most difficult things about being a wedding photographer, so let’s get right down to it! 1. Getting Started. When you try to become a wedding photographer, you’ll find yourself faced with a bit of a conundrum. You need experience shooting weddings to get hired, but you can’t get experience until you get hired.
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