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Why Dentists take Intra-Oral Photos - Stephens Dentistry
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Why Dentists take Intra-Oral Photos - Stephens Dentistry
- Intra-oral photos are photos that are taken of your teeth, gums and oral tissue. These photos may be of a single tooth, a group of teeth, or any area of your mouth. At our office, photos are taken with a small, high quality digital camera that moves comfortably within your mouth. As the photos are extremely close, our Schick came…
How to Take Compelling Intra-oral Photographs Right …
- A ring flash is a fabulous tool for taking intra-oral photographs. It provides virtually shadowless lighting because the flash tube is wrapped …
Intra Oral Camera Photography: Patient Examinations
- The enlarged color views on dental intra oral camera images will allow the dentist and patient to view and discuss the conditions and their options for treatment. The pictures provide an advantage both educationally and technically for building rapport with the new patient. Snapshots can be stored and used at succeeding appointments.
Intra-oral Photography - EOCA
- Diagnosis and treatment planning: Intra-oral photographs are an important addition to patient records (charting, radiographs, study models). They provide a static, in-depth look at the patient's dentition that is easily reviewed and compared with the patient's other records.
Intraoral Photography Archives | Digital Dental …
- So for a quick summary of why you, as a dentist, should use digital photography in your practice, here you go: 1. Dental Insurance – it’s hard for an insurance adjuster to deny a claim of a tooth with a big hole in it from doing the endo, or …
Intraoral Cameras - Digital Intra Oral Pictures
- Intra Oral Cameras. Since digital x-rays don’t always tell the whole story, an intraoral camera is used to record photographs of your teeth. In addition to x-rays, digital intra-oral pictures are very helpful in allowing people to “see what we see”. It is the latest in dental technology. Seeing these very clear images makes it much easier for a patient to understand what we are talking about …
The Best Flashes for Intraoral Dental Photography
- Lighting is a key factor in creating a successful image in dental intraoral photography. Why? It determines not only brightness or darkness, but also tone, mood and the atmosphere. Therefore it is necessary to control and manipulate light correctly in order to get the best texture, vibrancy of colour, and luminosity on your subjects.
Dental contraster for intraoral photographs | News | Dentagama
- Dental photographs with contrasters better the images quality and are often accepted for various scientific articles, journals, etc. Moreover, they help better analyze the patient's condition before and after the treatment. The use of contrasters with retractors and intraoral mirrors is thus a valuable tool in dental photography.
Guide to Dental Photography - Decisions in Dentistry
- Intraoral mirrors are invaluable when taking occlusal- and buccal-view images because the photographic angle does not typically allow for capturing these photos from a direct view. As a general rule, practitioners should take seven basic views to record a patient’s clinical condition during the initial visit.
10 reasons why dental photography should be an …
- Intraoral photographs are an important addition to patient records (charting, radiographs, study models). They provide a static, in-depth look at the patient's dentition that is easily reviewed and compared with the patient's other records. Reason No. 2 Enhanced patient education and communication
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