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License Plate Pictures - Digital Photography Review
- none
Is it illegal to take a picture of a person's license plate and …
- none
Is it illegal to take a picture of a license plate and post it …
- 4 reviews. Avvo Rating: 9.3. Business Attorney. Reveal number. tel: (732) 914-9114. Call. Posted on Nov 24, 2012. Yes, it is legal. Since you took the picture in a public place you own the copyright and you may post it anywhere you wish.
Police photos of your license plates and the Fourth …
- The conventional wisdom is that it’s OK for police to snap photos of your car and its license plates, because there isn’t an expectation of …
Can anyone legaly take a picture of my license plate?
- Nope. Your plate is a public document of sorts. No more illegal than snapping your picture in public. All he can do with it is turn it over to the authorites...he can't get any personal info from it. No different than you writing the plate number down and reporting someone. This has come up before and I've asked a couple NYS police officers I know.
Can someone take pictures of the license plates of a car …
- 1 attorney answer. Posted on Apr 24, 2015. There is no specific law preventing the taking of photographs or video while standing on a public street. If they cross onto your property it is a trespass and the court can issue orders prohibiting this. You can also call the police.
Should You Be Covering Your License Plate in Photos?
- The answer is — for the most part — no! This is actually because of the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act, from all the way back in 1994. This act essentially makes it illegal for motor vehicle departments to disclose any personal information they’ve gathered.
License Plate Laws - LegalMatch Law Library
- 50-250 feet is generally the minimum requirement for a license plate to be visible. Some states say license plates must be visible 25 yards away without sight correction. The plate itself must be viewable.
License Plate Pictures - Digital Photography Review
- I was told it is not illegal to photograph a license plate BUT if it is not related to the subject at hand such as a sting operation and it is published, the owner of that car can sue to the newspaper or photographer on grounds that the image …
A&A: Publishing a photo showing license plate numbers
- My question is this: Must I ”edit out” the license plate before publishing a photo of the placards? A: There is no law that specifically prohibits one from publishing another’s license plate. As a very general matter, the publication of information about another will amount to an invasion of that person’s privacy only if
How to Make Your License Plate Invisible to Cameras
- As you speed past a sensor after the lights have turned red, the camera will take a photo of the rear plate of your vehicle and you may end up paying a fine. Manufacturers have come up with many ways to elude red light cameras, such as license plate covers, license plate spray, and other devices.
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