Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Italian Photography Terms and much more about photography.
How to say photography in Italian - WordHippo
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9 Italian Art Terms You Should Know | Artsy
- The term chiaroscuro stems from the Italian words chiaro (“clear” or “bright”) and oscuro (“obscure” or “dark”), and refers to the arrangement of …
Photography - Italian Vocabulary -
- lo zoom. la fotografía, la foto. la diapositiva. l'album fotografico. il fotografo. la telecamera, la videocamera. il treppiede, il cavalletto. il proiettore. la pellicola.
How to say photography in Italian - WordHippo
- Here's how you say it. Italian Translation. fotografia. More Italian words for photography. la fotografia noun. photograph, photo, picture, print. fotographia.
10 Contemporary Italian Photographers You Should Know
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