Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about James Mickley Photography and much more about photography.
James Mickley Photography
- James Mickley Photography Member since 2-May-06 About ~~~~~About me~~~~~ I am a freelance photographer but a lot of what I do is just for enjoyment as a hobby. Light is a wonderful medium to work with, and I am privileged to be able to use it effectively. I hope you enjoy this sampling of my work.
James Mickley Photography | Willow St. Dance Performance
- By chance I ran sound for my brother at year-end performance of Willow St. Dance School. I didn't have a very good vantage point halfway up the audience, but I took some pictures. These are cropped, and low resolution, but still wonderful.
James Mickley Photography | Swim Meet | Photographer
- Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images. James Mickley Photography Home»Kalamazoo»Index Photography»Swim Meet
James Mickley Photography | Ceremony
- I started taking pictures about an hour before the wedding started, documenting the church and the preparation as well as covering the ceremony and processional.
James Mickley Photography | Kalamazoo Show | Photographer
- Thank you for your patience while we retrieve your images. James Mickley Photography Home»Kalamazoo Show
James Mickley - College of Agricultural Sciences
- James Mickley (he/him/his) Herbarium Curator and Instructor james.mickley [at] Office: 541-737-5297. ... Photography. Biography. I grew up in rural southeastern Pennsylvania, spending a lot of time outdoors and learning about the plants growing around me. During my first year of college in Michigan, I asked my plant ecology ...
Dr. James Mickley - CV
- James Mickley's Curriculum Vitae (CV) includes a long history of work as a Botanist, Ecologist, and Evolutionary Biologist at a variety of institutions. ... Photography: I have been a freelance photographer since 2000 and won several regional awards and honorable mentions in international contests. My specialty is photojournalism and nature ...
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