Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Jdf Photography Birmingham and much more about photography.
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- You can find all information and details about jdf photography, wedding photographers in wmd, birmingham in this section of iwedplanner.
JDF Photography - Northfield |
- JDF Photography is located in Northfield and have coordinates: 52.4265268 -1.9566018. Address of the JDF Photography Video Services is Northfield Bournville House, 45, Woodbrooke Grove and postal code B31 2FG.
JDF Photography - Home - Facebook
- JDF Photography. 53 likes · 2 talking about this. Photo projects
JDF Photography - Home | Facebook
- JDF Photography, Dewsbury. 42 likes. I'm a professional and outgoing, events photographer with my own equipment and transport. I'm willing to travel. Extensive portfolio of work available. Prices...
JDF — Photography of Jose D. Flores, Jr.
- In 2015, I returned to Chicago from the farm and, with a Leica, immersed myself in urban life to experience people's sharing of public spaces, their interactions, the expression of the human condition in a highly dense environment; finding a new way of seeing. With renewed enthusiasm and vigor I left my comfort zone to shoot the present moment ...
JDF# Photography - Home | Facebook
- JDF# Photography. 220 likes. "Wichtig ist nicht, besser zu sein als alle anderen. Wichtig ist, besser zu sein als du gestern warst."
JDF Photography
- Providing portrait and product photography services since 2014.
pbase Artist JDF Photography
- View Galleries: JDF Photography has 39 galleries and 1161 images online. These pages have been viewed a total of 149964 times. View Guestbook: 3 messages. Most recent on 10-Feb-2006.
JDS Weddings - Birmingham Wedding Photographer
- In my time I’ve been so fortunate to find not just a passion area in photography, but also help others enjoy their big days through my eyes. With a Masters in Photography, multiple publications in mainstream photography magazines and running a series of fashion photography masterclasses, I’ve been obsessed with the wonders of light and shadows.
22 Birmingham photographers you need to be following …
- Ryan and Ashley ( @flybyshaddix) have been shooting drone shots of the city and their family for about two years. They photograph everything—from drone shots of Sloss Furnaces to macro shots of plants and the nature around Birmingham. Ryan: “I enjoy filming Birmingham because of its diversity and rich history.”.
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