Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Jimmi Francoeur Photography and much more about photography.
hem - Jimmi Francoeur photographer & director
- Photography by Jimmi Francoeur / Make-up by Catherine Lemay / HEM / 2014
hommes - Jimmi Francoeur photographer & director
- Photography by Jimmi Francoeur / Magazine Hommes / 2016. Running on Cargo. DIRECTOR WORK CONTACT ⬅ ⬅. Photography by Jimmi Francoeur / Magazine Hommes / 2016 ...
loulou - Jimmi Francoeur photographer & director
- Photography by Jimmi Francoeur / Styling by Andrée-Jade Hélie / Make-up by Susan Morales / Lou Lou Magazine September 2013
The Blue Room by Jimmi Francoeur | Flanelle Magazine
- Photography has, from the beginning, always conserved this mystic way of revealing to everyone this brief moment, so quickly passed that the eye has not succeeded in catching it. With Jimmi Francoeur’s photographs, this brief second always manages to stay in the eyes that see them. He knows how to catch emotion at its boiling
MiM – Jimmi Francoeur – Photographer, Director (FR)
- Jimmi Francoeur is a photographer turned director that lives to capture the unfiltered moment. His style feels raw and reactive, he moves with his characters...
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