Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Joanne Motichka Photograph and much more about photography.
The Times Magazine cover that beamed a light on a …
- When the artist and activist Joanne Motichka took the self-portrait that appeared on the Aug. 15, 1993, cover of The New York Times Magazine, she was 39 years old. Ms. Motichka — who goes, Cher-like, by Matuschka — had been told she …
The Times Magazine Cover That Beamed a Light on a …
- When the artist and activist Joanne Motichka took the self-portrait that appeared on the Aug. 15, 1993, cover of The New York Times Magazine, …
Her Breast Lost in Vain - TIME
- Joanne Motichka had been expecting bad news. Her mother died of breast cancer, and she knew that she herself had a high risk of getting the disease. ... in nude self-portraits, continued to take them; she became a symbol of the disfiguring effects of breast surgery, and a photo of her scarred chest wound up on the cover of the New York Times ...
Joanne Motichka - --ENTER-TITLE-- | Essentially Women
- The cover of the Aug. 15, 1993, issue of The New York Times Magazine.CreditAndrew Sondern/The New York Times Times Insider delivers behind-the-scenes insights into how news, features and opinion come together at The New York Times. When the artist and activist Joanne Motichka took the self-portrait that appeared on the Aug. 15, 1993, cover of ...
Joanne Motichka’s albums | Flickr
- Explore Recent Photos; Trending; Events; The Commons; Flickr Galleries; World Map; Camera Finder; Flickr Blog; Prints. Prints & Wall Art Photo Books
Photography - Janel Motichka Hernandez -
- Janel Motichka Hernandez Fine Arts and Healing Arts: Paintings, Photography, Jewelry, Energy Work & Yoga : Home: Galleries : Artwork : Photography : Jewelry : ... * 8"X10" photograph with an 11X14 ivory archival quality mat * 16X20 poster Janel Motichka Hernandez Fine Arts and Healing Arts: Paintings, Photography, Jewelry, Energy Work & Yoga ...
Artist Sees Hope in Mastectomy Ruling - The New York …
- JoAnne Motichka, known professionally as Matuschka, has been awarded $2.2 million by jury in her malpractice suit against doctor who performed mastectomy rather than lumpectomy; Motichka says she ...
Performing artist poses bare-chested after double …
- In 1993, artist and activist Joanne Motichka took a self-portrait following a partial mastectomy that removed her right breast; the photo appeared on the August 15, 1993, cover of The New York ...
Joanne Matuschka, 67 - New York, NY Has Court or …
- Joanne is now single. Joanne has many family members and associates who include James Motichka, Alexandra Motichka, Shaun Lewis, Mary Brennan and Lauren Kaufman. Joanne's reported annual income is about $100 - 149,999; with a net worth that tops $100,000 - $249,999. Read Full Summary
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