Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Khaled Zaki Photography and much more about photography.
Khaled zaki Photography - Home - Facebook
- Khaled zaki Photography May 25· احلي ديزاين واحلي دعايه تيم اكتف جدا بجد ♥️ Youssef Rasheed May 24 بفضل الله الفترة الى فاتت دى انا والتيم بتاعى عملنا شغل مع اكتر من براند او شركة فى أدارة للصفحات السوشيال ميديا من تصميم او صناعة محتوى او …
Khaled ZaKi photography - Home | Facebook
- Khaled ZaKi photography. 21,498 likes · 7 talking about this. My photography is for ..(Wedding-Engagement-Parties . etc ) For reservations or inquiries...Call.. 012 70 44 33 58
Khaled Zaki: underwater photographer and environment …
- Khaled Zaki: underwater photographer and environment ambassador! padiproseurope PADI member since 1994, Khaled started diving in Sharm El Sheikh – Red Sea, at the end of the 80’s, learning – as he says – by some of the industry’s world-class …
My PADI Story: Khaled Zaki, PADI Master Instructor and …
- My PADI Story: Khaled Zaki, PADI Master Instructor and Underwater Photographer With over 25 years as a PADI Professional, Khaled Zaki has seen a lot change in the diving industry. Here, he talks to us about his passion for photography, education and conservation… How did you get involved with diving?
Khaled Zaki | PADI AmbassaDivers
- Khaled Zaki is a PADI Master Instructor and Marine Consultant currently living in Qatar. He’s passionate about diving and marine conservation, sharing his message through award winning underwater photography and videography; …
Khaled Zaki
- Born in Suez, Egypt in 1964, Sculptor Khaled Zaki holds a Master in Restoration from the Faculty of Archaeology and a Bachelor in Management from the Faculty of Commerce at Cairo University
Khaled Zaki Profile - Underwater Photography
- Khaled Zaki I am from Qatar Member since: Monday, November 9, 2015 PADI Ambassador,Master Instructor Marine conservation spreads his message through award winning UW photos & videos . a collection of his photos were chosen to be on the official Qatar postal stamps. Try diving in the Red Sea 1990 the work in Sharm El Sheikh as a PADI Pro.
Khaled Zaki | Artnet
- View Khaled Zaki’s artworks on artnet. Learn about the artist and find an in-depth biography, exhibitions, original artworks, the latest news, and sold auction prices.
Ambassador of the Month - Khaled Zaki | Mozaik UW
- The ambassador of this month is Khaled Zaki! About Khaled PADI Ambassador & Master Instructor , Diving Consultant. He’s passionate about diving and marine conservation and spreads his message through award winning underwater photography and videography, most recently a collection of his photos were chosen to be on the official Qatar postal stamps.
Khaled Zaki - 9 Artworks for Sale on Artsy
- Khaled Zaki Egyptian, b. 1964. Following. Follow. 72 Followers. Bio. Though he is one of the most prominent contemporary Egyptian artists, Khaled Zaki didn't plan to study art in Egypt—he had intended to pursue a career in business before discovering his affinity for sculpture. Zaki received the majority of his …
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