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Large Format Lenses for Portraits
- 150mm Schneider Xenotar. Another contender for portraits is the 150mm Xenotar f2.8, built in the nineteen sixties, a 5 element lens of similar design as the Zeiss Planar (that was never made as a 150mm for large format, though).
10 Best Lenses for Portrait Photography (2022)
- Nikon 50mm f/1.8G. The Nikon 50mm f/1.8G is far and away my top pick for beginners who …
Large Format Lenses, 2nd Ed
- 150mm f/5.6 Fujinon NW. Many photographers start their large format lens kit with a "normal" lens. Technically, most photographers consider the 150mm lens the normal lens for a 4x5 camera. In practice, lenses from 135mm to 180mm (and for some photographers, even 210mm) are considered "normal" for a 4x5 camera.
Large Format Lenses | B&H Photo Video
- Large format lenses project an image onto larger negatives than medium format lenses or SLR lenses. This means that the image must be magnified fewer times to be enlarged. Less magnification means a reduction in the amount of grain that exists in the final image. Large format photography and grain reduction is great for portrait or food photographers, whose …
8X10 portrait lens - large format photography
- Cooke 15 inch f3.5 knucler. The best/easiest portrait lens made. P&S series IV 12 inch P&S series VI 9 inch. The p&s give the best SF of all the lenses I have used. Best in the sense of soft and sharp and glow into and out of the shadows. 18 inch port-land. Super amounts of glow. I have not mastered it wide open but at 5.6 and 8 it is awesome.
portrait lens for 4X5 -
- Find your style, then pick a lens. If you don't know your style, there's nothing wrong in sticking to the old "2X normal" rule, that is 300mm or so for 4x5. I have a pretty neat Wollensak 300mm Velostigmat variable focus, which works well as an all-around lens, especially for portraits of the head/head and shoulders variety.
A large format photography home page
- Traditional processing and printing. B&W darkroom for large format photography: a primer. Covers basics about processing and printing and gives additional references 6/1999. Developing 4X5 Sheet Film, an Alternative Method 3/2003. E6 sheet film processing on a budget with the Agitank. 4x5 Unicolor Drum Development 3/2002 (includes ...
Kenneth Lee Gallery - A Few Favorite Large Format Lenses
- On 4x5 film, 4 + 5 = 9 inches or 225mm. Reinhold Schnable has re-introduced the Wollaston Meniscus lens, one of the earliest designs of all. it's a superb lens for "pictorial" effects and comes with a set of perfectly round apertures. He makes them …
Shooting Portraits on 4x5 - Tobias Key Photography
- Stop down your lens. As mentioned above, large format lenses wide open have razor thin depth of field. F5.6 equates to f1.2 in full-frame digital. While portraits shot wide open can look stunning, they can be very hard to pull off consistently when you start out. They can also be very tough on your sitter.
Angus Parker Photography | Good Lenses for a 4x5 View …
- For portraits you need probably two focal lengths (135mm-150mm and 200mm-240mm) that will give you either a head shot or a torso /body shot. Smoothness rather sharpness will be your consideration. See more for this type of shooting here. For landscapes you probably want a wide angle (90mm-125mm)and a normal lens (150mm-180mm).
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