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Lumicon UHC Filter Review | An Astrophotography …
- The Lumicon UHC filter was designed to better observe and photograph nebulae. The filter passes three selective emission lines, two doubly ionized oxygen lines (496nm and 501nm) and H-beta at 486nm. The effects of city light pollution and skyglow from a bright moon are reduc…
Astronomical Filters | Lumicon
- Lumicon, Inc. offers the best and most extensive line of astronomical filters in the world. Astronomy filters for every imagined visual and astrophotography application are available in many configurations and sizes. We offer telescope filters for light-polluted skies, planets, deep-sky objects, galaxies, nebulae, planetary nebulae, comets, and solar prominences.
Lumicon UHC filter - Beginners Forum (No astrophotography)
- The UHC filter works because "emission" nebula generate most of their light from these atomic transitions. EVERYTHING will be dimmer with the UHC filter, but emission nebula are dimmed slightly while everything else is dimmed a lot. Thus the nebula, while dimmer, shows enhanced contrast.
Lumicon 1.25" UHC Ultra High Contrast Telescope Filter
- The original Lumicon Ultra High Contrast filter is unbeatable for revealing nebulosity. This achievement in filter performance is attributed tons exclusively designed coatings that isolate the two doubly ionized oxygen LINEs (496 and 501nm) and the H-beta LINE (486nm) emitted by planetary and most emission nebulae.
Lumicon UHC. Still the best? - Getting Started With …
- Hi guys. I've been doing a LOT of googling and reading on filters to help with my photography. Simply, I now want a UHC filter and a OII filter. Due to cost and so on, I'm going to get a UHC first, and I've found a lot of good things said about the Lumicon UHC. However, it's all slightly old reviews I've found.
Difference between Lumicon UHC and Deep Sky filters?
- Farpoint UHC is used at exit pupils of 2.0mm and larger. Optolong UHC is used at exit pupils from 2mm to 1mm. Astronomik B-band is used at exit pupils from 1.7mm to 0.7mm. So based upon my experiences the Lumicon deep sky filter (~70nm bandwidth) should be useful at exit pupils smaller than 2mm.
Lumicon filter prices - Equipment (No astrophotography) - Cloudy …
- Lumicon filter prices - posted in Equipment (No astrophotography): When I decided on my equipment for my first setup recently, one of the items I bought was a 2 Lumicon UHC-S filter due to it being likely one of the more frequently used. I was just reading about other types of filters and their applications and then looked up pricing. To my surprise, the 2 …
Difference between UHC filters - Equipment (No astrophotography ...
- Narrowband UHC-type filters: Lumicon Gen-3 UHC, TeleVue BandMate II Nebustar, Astronomik UHC, with a DGM NPB a runner-up to the first group O-III filters: TeleVue BandMate II O-III, Astronomik O-III, Lumicon Gen 3 O-III
Lumicon Gen3 UHC Filter - David Astro
- Lumicon Gen3 UHC Filter is unbeatable for revealing nebulosity. This is achieved by passing three nebula emission lines – the two doubly ionized oxygen lines (496 and 501nm) and the H-beta line (486nm) – while blocking light-pollution and Sky Glow. The result is superb views of the Orion, Lagoon, Swan and other extended nebulae.Lumicon filters remain the world’s best and strictest …
Lumicon Deep Sky Filter - David Astro
- Lumicon Deep Sky Filter is the best all-purpose nebula filter on the market today. It blocks all high & low pressure mercury and sodium vapor lamp light, neon lights and air glow, while transmitting the rest of the visible spectrum.Visually, Lumicon Deep Sky Filter enhances contrast of nebula under both light-polluted and dark skies and also passes infrared light, making it an excellent …
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