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Camera Settings – SLR Photography Guide
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SLR Photography Guide
- Photographing Sunsets with Telephoto Lens. One of my favourite ways of photographing sunsets or sunrises is to use a telephoto lens (300-400mm focal length). Shooting at longer focal lengths will. Read More ».
The Beauty of Manual SLR Photography -
- Put you and your objects at ease. But still, the biggest treat of using a traditional SLR is how it makes you calm down and puts you at ease. The preparations for a day out are enough to put you in the right mood. Take your camera out of where ever you keep it. Look at it from every angle to see if there are any new scratches from the last time ...
Tips for using your camera lens on manual focus - SLR …
- Manual focus tips. First set your DSLR lens to autofocus (AF) and focus on the closest object near the one your trying to photograph. For example, in the hover fly image above, I firstly set the autofocus on the flower, then turned the lens switch to MF for manual focussing.
Camera Settings – SLR Photography Guide
- Here you will find information on how to use your DSLR camera settings, including manual and auto modes. It is also useful for those with mirrorless CSC cameras (Compact System Cameras) or point and shoots where you are able to adjust and manipulate settings such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO. If you have just purchased your first DSLR ...
Tips And Tutorials – SLR Photography Guide
- Tips And Tutorials. Here is a selection of our best DSLR photography tips for beginners. The articles discuss camera settings and techniques specific to DSLR and mirrorless CSC cameras (Compact System Cameras). However they may also come in handy for point and click users as well, many of which nowadays can manipulate settings such as aperture ...
Digital SLR photography tips for beginners
- DSLR Photography tips For Beginners Number one SLR photography tip for beginners. Don’t throw your camera manual away. It will become your new best friend. Buy a UV filter for each lens you own. It’s easier to replace a scratched lens filter …
100 Photography Assignments Sheets – SLR …
- WAS $49, TODAY ONLY $29. 100 Photography Assignment Sheets. Printable / Desktop & Mobile Versions. Three Bonus Photography Ebooks covering ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed. Free Monthly Photography Magazine + past editions (73 issues to date) Lifetime Access including future updates. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. >> YES, GRAB THIS DEAL.
How to Shoot in Manual Mode (+ Cheat Sheets for …
- What is Manual mode in photography? ISO. Simply put, ISO controls your camera’s sensitivity to light. So by adjusting the ISO, you can increase your... Aperture. The aperture is an opening in the lens. ... Note that photographers use f-stops to refer to aperture sizes,... Shutter speed. Shutter ...
Photography Cheat Sheets
- Photography Cheat Sheets. Need help to remember camera settings when out in the field? Our famous photography cheat sheets / reference cards are now available to purchase separate to our Photography Course. 42 printable cheat sheets, 2.5 x 4 inch size that you can take with you anywhere.Note, these cheat sheets are double sided, in that there are reference settings and …
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