Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Marc Gagnon Photography and much more about photography.
Photographic Artist Marc Gagnon
- Photographic Artist Marc Gagnon, who has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and newsletters worldwide decided to revisit the piece he created Cleopatra. Marc Gagnon worked with Elina Sol who is an internet model working with local photographers and photography enthusiasts in South Florida. Marc Gagnon reviewed the piece and decided a ...
Marc Gagnon [GagnonArt] -
- MARC GAGNON BRIEF RESUME Memberships: 1.) Professional Photographers of America 2.) Photographic Society of America 3.) National Geographic Society 4.) Photographic Resource Center at Boston University 5.) Society for Photographic Education 6.) NH Society of Photographic Arts 7.) National Press Photographers Association 8.) Steering Committee at the Bonnet …
General Portfolio by Marc Gagnon Photographic Artist
- Steve Forbes and Marc Gagnon. For Our Troops collage pictured with Curator of Bonnet House Museum and Marc Gagnon. Parkland City Commission introducing For Our Troops collage. Gagnon Art Foundation building model of the cultural center. Veteran's Proclamation at the City Commison in Parkland, FL.
pbase Artist Marc Gagnon Photographic Artist
- Marc Gagnon, Photographic Artist is part of Marc Gagnon Inc., has been into photography since 1981. He started into photography through the influence of Amanda Dobbs from England. Amanda is a Water Colorist. Marc began photographing travel photos and eventually extended his concentration to portraits, weddings, stock photography, school ...
Photographic Artist Marc Gagnon: Florida Models and Florida ...
- Marc Gagnon has been into the photography field since 1982. He has personally managed models, worked on commercial and fashion assignments, and most notably, is recognized and acclaimed in the art world with some 100 collections. His work has been featured on NBC News, magazines, and newspapers.
Marc Gagnon Photographer Coral Gables FL, 33134 –
- Marc Gagnon Photographer CLAIMED 1844 N. Nob Hill Road, #226, Plantation, FL 33322 244 Fifth Avenue, #1950, NY, NY 10001, Coral Gables, FL 33134
- Paper Mache Urn made of bubble wrap, masking tape, foam core and paint. 19'' high. 13" wide. Roman Urn "Caligula. Paper Mache, Bubble wrap , masking tape and paint 15 inches tall. "Miami Beach". Commissioned for Art Basel Miami 2016. Paper Mache , paint , Resin. Urn 24 inches high 18 inches wide.
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