Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Marco Queral Photographs Of Whales and much more about photography.
Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral´s …
- Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral's photographs of whales. ... These pictures show the heart-stopping moment a talented diver was able to get eye-to-eye with a colossal humpback whale. In an astonishing contrast the tiny human diver looks miniscule compared to the 50ft female gentle giant
Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral's …
- Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral's photographs of whales. The moment a diver came face to face with a humpback whale. 19 August 2009 • 2:05pm ...
Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral's photographs of …
- These pictures show the heart-stopping moment a talented diver was able to get eye-to-eye with a colossal humpback whale. In an astonishi...
Dahle Whale: Marco Queral
- These unbelievable pictures were taken near the Hawaiian Islands last year by Queral who says that 'the personalities of humpback whales are very particular and they are the ones that decide if you are going to get good photos or not' adding 'the whales are very intelligent and sometimes they will be in a mood to let you photograph them, and sometimes they will not'.
Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral's …
- The moment a diver came face to face with a humpback whale. News Business Sport Opinion Politics World Money Life Style Travel Culture Subscribe now Free for one ...
Malaysia Browser: Whales by Marco Queral
- Whales by Marco Queral These pictures show the heart-stopping moment a talented diver was able to get eye-to-eye with a colossal humpback whale. In an astonishing contrast the tiny human diver looks miniscule compared to …
Close encounters under the sea: Marco Queral's photographs of …
- Humpback Whale More information To get his spectacular images of marine life, South American Marco relies on various tricks to catch the attention of the passing mammals
- Marco Queral's photographs of whales. These pictures show the heart-stopping moment a talented diver was able to get eye-to-eye with a colossal humpback whale. In an astonishing contrast the tiny ...
Environment | Whale, Ocean animals, Humpback whale
- May 6, 2013 - Find all the latest news on the environment and climate change from the Telegraph. Including daily emissions and pollution data.
Environment | Whale, Humpback whale, Beautiful ocean …
- Feb 16, 2015 - Find all the latest news on the environment and climate change from the Telegraph. Including daily emissions and pollution data.
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