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The Photographer Who Was Bitten by a Black Mamba…
- Photographer Mark Laita has a mention in Wikipedia for a wild and unusual reason: he was bitten by a black mamba (one of the world’s deadliest …
Photographer Captures Exact Moment Black Mamba …
- Mark Laita. In one specific instance, a black mamba bit him on the leg — and Mark managed to capture that exact moment on film. According to Mark's interview with Strange Behaviors, the incident ...
Photographer Mark Laita bitten by deadly black mamba …
- Mark Laita was taking pictures of snakes for his latest photography project called Serpentine. The only reason he survived the attack by the black …
Photographer Gets Bitten By A Deadly Black Mamba, Still …
- When photographer Mark Laita set out to capture the beauty of snakes for his book, he probably did not expect to get bitten by one. An …
Beautiful Photos of Snakes by Mark Laita & Surviving a …
- Photographer Mark Laita has a career that spans over 20 years, with his clean, graphic imagery used by clients such as Apple and BMW. Bringing these sensibilities to a different arena, his project Serpentine saw him …
The Photographer Who Was Bitten By A Black Mamba…
- October 28, 2017 AT 2:00 am. The Photographer Who Was Bitten By A Black Mamba…. And Got The Shot #CelebratePhotography. American professional photographer Mark Laita is not a snake owner or enthusiast but his admiration of snakes’ textures and formal qualities rivals that of any herpetologist.
This Photographer Took Colorful Serpent Portraits And Was
- We've heard of people who risk their lives just to take selfies, and now, there's this guy named Mark Laita who risked his life to take portraits --- not of himself but of colorful serpents. The twist is, while doing so, he got bitten by one! While photographing a black mamba at a facility in Central America, the deadly snake struck.
10 Pictures That Almost Got Their Photographers Killed
- The black mamba is one of the world’s most deadly venomous snakes. A bite will kill a human in a few hours. Not many people have lived after a bite from this type of snake. Photographer Mark Laita became one of those few when he survived a bite in 2012. Interestingly, Laita took a picture of the snake the moment it bit him.
My Modern Met - While on a shoot, photographer Mark …
- 1 day ago · While on a shoot, photographer Mark Laita was bitten by a venomous black mamba... and he has the photo to prove it.
Mark Laita
- Website & Portfolio for Internationally award-winning photographer Mark Laita
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