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Marvin Cattoor | Cattoor Photography | Craig, CO
- none
Shooting in the wild -
- Local resident Marvin Cattoor uses elk callers and camps out in blinds as he stalks wild game.
Marvin Cattoor - Historical records and family trees
- Marvin N Cattoor was born on month day 1933, at birth place, Montana, to Joseph Mary Cattoor and Nellie Ruth Cattoor (born Armstrong). Joseph was born on August 12 1890, in Belgique, Bois Brule Township, Perry, Missouri, United States.
Marvin Neal Cattoor (1933-1965) - Find A Grave Memorial
- Funeral services were held at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Craig Friday, December 21, at 2:00 p.m., for Marvin N. CATTOOR, 32. Burial will be in Craig’s Fairview Cemetery, with Zobel Mortuary in charge of arrangements. Marvin CATTOOR and eight other men were killed in an explosion...
Marvin Cattoor (Dwayne), 64 - Craig, CO Has Court or …
- Marvin Cattoor's birthday is 05/02/1957 and is 64 years old. Marvin calls Craig, CO, home. In the past, Marvin has also been known as Marvin D Cattoor and Marvin Dwayne Cattoor. We have lots of information about Marvin: religious views are listed as unknown, ethnicity is unknown, and political affiliation is currently a registered Republican.
Marvin Cattoor - Phone, Address, Background info
- View phone numbers, addresses, public records, background check reports and possible arrest records for Marvin Cattoor. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory.
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