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The Sweetest Photoshoot Featuring Models Covered in Honey
- The Sweetest Photoshoot Featuring Models Covered in Honey. As there was no cane sugar in the Old World, honey was highly valued for its sweetness, but for other qualities as well. It can function as a medicine as well as a preservative, for under the right conditions does not spoil. Honey sealed in ancient tombs can remain safe to eat to this day. In Egypt and other …
Photographer Covers Models In Honey To Create …
- Photographer Covers Models In Honey To Create Stunning Preservation Portrait Series (NSFW) Feb 26, 2015 by Tiffany Mueller 36 …
Models Covered in Honey - Adam William R Captures
- The models are pictured in movement, but trapped in the viscose, honey. The end results are the models looking like living statues. During a more traditional shoot photographing a hand covered in honey, the idea was born. Little noticed that the subject looked as if frozen in amber. Just like the mosquito in Jurassic Park. Little found the honey gave the models a …
Sweet Photo Shoot: Artist Covers Models in Honey for a …
- Photographer Blake Little from Los Angeles has created a series of unusual photographs in which models were covered head to toe in sticky-sweet honey, creating an illusion that people were almost amber-preserved.
“Preservation” Photo Series Features Models Covered …
- Photographer Blake Little is gearing up for the release of his new photo series, “Preservation,” which features models covered in honey.. Blake …
Photographer Covers Models in Gallons of Honey, These Strange …
- Photographer Blake Little decided to cover his portrait models in gallons of sticky-sweet honey. Representing a diverse range of ages, ethnicity and body types, the result is similar to fossils being preserved in amber. He wanted them to look frozen in place to evoke sensuality and drama, with their
Photographer Covers Models In Honey To Create Surreal Portrait ...
- A photographer has transformed a series of ordinary portraits into something much more surreal by covering his models in honey. (Article and video features adult content.) 26 Feb 2015 9:57AM by ...
Photographer Captures Images Of Models Drenched In Honey
- Photographer Captures Images Of Models Drenched In Honey. Zeon Santos • Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 3:00 AM. Photographers usually have a theme in mind for every shoot, from sexy to scary to classical, and in the case of this Blake Little shoot the theme is clearly something very, very sticky. Blake had the odd idea to cover his subjects in a layer of honey for …
Covered in Honey: Photos by Blake Little | Inspiration Grid
- Mar 11, 2015 - “Preservation” is a new series by photographer Blake Little, featuring models of different ages, races and genders covered in honey. “After pouring buckets of honey…
Sweet Photos: 'Preservation' Serves Up Models Covered …
- Navajo Rapper Makes Music To Preserve Native Language. Born and raised on the Diné/Navajo reservation, Ricky Nelson or otherwise referred to as. N8V ACE. makes music to promote culture, preserve the Native language, and to create a sense of understanding for all people. His latest song "Shik'is Shik'is" (interpreted "my friend, my friend") is ...
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