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Question about Canon 40D and astrophotography
- I did a lot of astrophotography with a 40D about ten years ago and still have it and use it occasionally. It is unmodified. The modification only …
Canon 40D Modify - AstroBin
- Canon 40D Modify by Canon 40D Modify Some images (view more) International Space Station (ISS) Moon Transit
Life Pixel – Canon 40D DIY Digital Infrared Conversion Tutorial
- You will need these tools & supplies to follow the Canon 40D infrared conversion tutorial: – Our custom glass infrared filter to replace the hotmirror – Soldering iron and desoldering wick or desoldering gun – Small philips type screwdriver – Tweezers – Canned air – Lens cleaning solution & tissue – Grounding strap /w current ...
How to Modify Your DSLR for Astrophotography - Sky
- Fortunately, there are abundant sources where you can purchase a camera pre-modified, or services that will take your existing camera and modify it for you. For example, Astro Hutech will sell you a new modified camera with a one-year warranty. I didn’t know about this when I bought a brand-new Canon 5D Mark II and sent it out for modification.
Canon 40D for Astrophotography with hot pixels?
- All forums Beginners Questions Change forum. Canon 40D for Astrophotography with hot pixels? ... Canon 40D for Astrophotography with hot pixels? Mar 2, 2016 Hi, I am new to photography. I did not want to buy a new camera just because I am a newbie. After a bit research, I decided to buy a used 40D from eBay.
Modding a Canon 40D - Discussions - Scopes / Whole …
- Modding a Canon 40D. By Photosbykev, October 24, 2010 in Discussions - Scopes / Whole setups. Share. Posted October 24, 2010.
Modify eos 40d or not? - Discussions - Stargazers Lounge
- I've been using my eos 40d for deep sky (apt software) and am unsure whether to: - modify the filter - buy a 2nd hand eos body and modify that - save the pennies for a good, cooled ccd camera. The 40d is used for general photography too and while I'm no David Bailey, I don't want to be disappointed with normal daylight photos on a modded camera.
DSLRAstroMod - Digital SLR Modifications for Astronomical Imaging
- Canon 40D/50D/60D/70D, ... 6D/7D filter removal, replacement and modifications for infra red or astrophotography and custom converted DSLR packages. I offer a Clear Glass replacement Full Spectrum and InfraRed conversion service and can supply custom converted body packages. My to supply you, the astronomy and photographic ...
Modifying the camera - Astrophotography -- Astronomy & Celestial …
- Much i read alot of people modify there cameras removing the filter required for deep space astrophotography. My question is if i modify the body for Astrophotography can that camera ever be used in the real world? Or would it be completely limited to Astrophotography work? ... Canon EOS 400XTi (400D, 40D, 450D, 50D, 1000D/Rebel XS
Shooting with Modified, Astrophotography DSLR Cameras
- I often use a Canon EOS 40D DSLR with a fused-silica Astrodon full-spectrum modification for all of my daylight photography, including rocket launches at Kennedy Space Center. To achieve a natural color balance in daylight with this modification, I also use the Astronomik OWB clip-in filter.
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