Interested in photography? At you will find all the information about Nature Close Up Photographers and much more about photography.
20 Amazing Nature Photographers to Really Inspire You
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The Top 100 - Close-up Photographer of the Year
- View the winners of Close-up Photographer of the Year (CUPOTY 01). The best 100 close up, macro photography and photomicrography pictures of 2019. View the winners of Close-up Photographer of the Year (CUPOTY 01). ... Håkan …
40 Stunning Photographs of Nature, Up Close and Personal
- The competition seeks to reward the very best close-up, macro, and micro photographs that “help us see the world anew,” and this year it …
Nature Closeup - Photography Course
- Close Up Photography in Nature You are seeing this butterfly about twice it’s normal size. John took this beautiful image with a 100mm …
Top 10 Most Influential Nature Photographers Of All-Time
- More Highly Influential Nature Photographers. Art Wolfe (1951 - Present)- A prolific nature and travel photographer with dozens of published books to his credit including Edge of the Earth, Corner of the Sky, The Living …
Close-up Nature Photography and Observation | Focus on Natives
- Exploring Nature Close-up Photography and observations revealing the close-up detailed beauty of insects, local wildlife and native plants. Our goal is to inspire you to Focus on Natives to attract wildlife to your yard. Galleries You'll recognize many of our nature subjects. But others will look exotic even though they live in our yards.
30 Most Influential Macro Photographers to Follow in 2022
- Karla Thompson is an arthropod conservationist photographer with a passion for nature. She stands for ethical photography and hopes to build a bridge between nature and humans. Her images are vivid and beautiful, and her lively captions are effectively taking her photographed creatures closer to us.
The Top 100 — Close-up Photographer of the Year
- Close-up Photographer of the Year. Overall winner & Animals winner. Galice Hoarau | Eel Larva. 2nd place | Animals. Csaba Daroczi | Spider in the Swamp. 3rd place | Animals. Mathieu Foulquié | Bufo Bufo. Finalists | Animals.
Natures Highway Photography - Nature Close Up
- Get Close Up to the Wildlife and Flora of North American. Available now from Natures Highway Photography in various sizes on Metal, Canvas or in Framed prints.
Top 10 Best Macro Photographers in the World
- 1 Patty Hankins – United States. Patty Hankins is one of the most professional fine art floral photographers. She focuses on showing the amazing beauty of nature through her photographs. She spends most of her time moving from one garden or park to another looking for a wonderful flower to photograph.
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