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Nikon D90 in astrophotography - sensor specifications -
- Pixel size (pitch) is essential in astrophotography. Pixel or photosite area is 30.36 µm². The larger the photosite, the more light it can capture and the more information can be recorded. Pixel density tells you how many million pixels fit or would fit in one square cm of the sensor. Nikon D90 has a pixel density of 3.29 MP/cm².
Astrophotography with a Nikon D90 and CPC 9.25
- Astrophotography with a Nikon D90 and CPC 9.25 - posted in Beginning Deep Sky Imaging: Re-posted from the beginners Forum by excellent recommendation.My wife and I were thinking of trying to break into some AP with our D90. We have been in the background here on Cloudy nights for some time, and thought this would be a great place to look for advise.We …
Modifying a Nikon D90 DSLR for Infrared Photography …
- In fact, Nikon's infrared cut-off filter, which passes all the important emission lines, makes the D90 almost ideal for astrophotography. Clearly Nikon is aware of this market and has designed their optics accordingly. I am using a D90, but it's likely that other Nikons are built similarly and will work just as well.
Modify Nikon D90 for astrophotography - Cloudy Nights
- I have a friend who wants to use his D90 only for astrophotography, so he decided to convert it (remove the IR cut filter). Now, for Canon there are lots on information and also a replacement filter to put in the place of the one that you took out. For Nikon I couldn't find any information. My friend did the operation and removed the filter (s).
Nikon D90 camera review - Cameras - BBC Sky at Night …
- The last item might grab your attention if you’re into lunar or planetary imaging, especially when you realise that the D90 is capable of capturing movies in a 1,280×720 format, at a frame-rate of 24 frames per second.
Nikon D90 astromod VS. Nikon DF unmodified
- Nikon D90 astromod VS. Nikon DF unmodified It is fact that Nikon’s DF is among the most sensitive camera’s available on the market today. Its FX format CMOS chip offers 16.2 million pixels. The corresponding pixel size of 7.3μm is thus large compared to most other state-of-the-art cameras (with typical sizes of less than 5μm).
Step into the world of astrophotography with a Nikon …
- Step into the world of astrophotography with a Nikon camera. Step into the world of astrophotography with a Nikon camera. The sea of stars twinkling in the night sky; the moon with the alluring shadows of its craters; the diverse forms cast by the planets; the mysterious nebulae and star clusters: How wonderful would it be if you could capture them beautifully in a …
APT - Astro Photography Tool
- APT - Astro Photography Tool Nikon DSLR models matrix This is the list of all Nikon models that APT can control. It also contains useful reference information. (1) Needs RS232 (serial) cable or DSUSB controller to control Bulb exposures. See a list of serial cable vendors (2) APT has to be started in Windows Vista SP2 compatibility mode.
Photographing the Night Sky | Nikon
- D4, 14-24mm f/2.8 lens, 15 sec., f/5.6, ISO 12,800, Matrix metering, manual exposure. Speedlights with blue and yellow gels "popped" to illuminate the foreground and mid-ground areas. The Milky Way can be seen faintly in the sky near the top left of …
Nikon | Photograph the night sky with a Nikon
- It is a great advantage in astrophotography that you can shoot those distant subjects at a large scale without using a telescope. - Digital zoom feature allows even higher magnification of up to 4x the maximum focal length, which lets you shoot with an angle of view matching approx. 8,000mm (P900) and 5,760mm (P610)*. *35mm format equivalent
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