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Street Photography and Non-Place - Medium
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Photography and the Non-Place | SpringerLink
- Through the restorative properties of photography, it re-conceptualises the cultural significance of non-place. The non-place is often referred to as “wasteland”, and is usually avoided. The sites investigated in this book are located where access and ownership are often ambiguous or in dispute; they are places of cultural forgetting.
Street Photography and Non-Place - Medium
- Street Photography and Non-Place. Taylor Dorrell. Follow. Oct 27, 2019 ...
Non-Candid Photographs of Strangers in Non-Place …
- Non-Candid Photographs of Strangers in Non-Place Places. Nov 08, 2012. Michael Zhang. “Non-lieux,” or “non-place,” is a term coined by French …
Photography and the Non-Place : The Cultural Erasure of the City
- This book presents a critical and aesthetic defence of “non-place” as an act of cultural reclamation. Through the restorative properties of …
Explorations on the Concepts of Place and Non-Place
- He writes, “By discussing the significance of photographic representations in revealing the meanings attached to the visual evidence of human agency in non-place, I hope to show what people leave behind provides us with important information about why they left it and what it meant to them.” (Brogden, 2019: 111) Brogden’s notion of non ...
(PDF) Investigation of the non-place concept in Iranian …
- PDF | Problem definition: Non-place is a concept first introduced in 1992 by the French anthropologist Marc Augé. ... the relationship between non-place and photography has been discussed and ...
Giphantie Journal - Street Photography and Non-Place
- Street Photography and Non-Place. Underground trains vibrate the landscape of chain stores and Uber drivers as the towering skyscrapers of Manhattan funnel the clouds down to the thousands of individuals. Guided by their signs, iPhones, and airpods, the tension echoes the anxiety experienced in other cities’ Costcos on Sunday afternoons.
Constructing the New/Non-Place - Jamie Tilley - SEEN Magazine
- All the aspects are shot on location then digitally rendered, representing not a physical place, but instead a non-place – the potential space sold through the developers language of digitally constructed 2-d images. The potential space always out of reach. ‘If a place can be defined as relational, historical and concerned with identity ...
non-places | Frieze
- Place and non-place are contrary poles; the place never disappears completely and the non-place is never fully established - they are palimpsests on which the confusing game of identity and relation finds its own reflection over and over.'
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