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Course Descriptions - Photography - North Idaho College
- Intermediate Digital Photography Credit(s): 3 This intermediate level course is designed to expand the knowledge and abilities of motivated students who have completed PHTO-183 Introduction to Digital Photography. Basic photographic and post-process skills learned in PHTO-183 will be refined as students work to develop a personal photographic vision.
Photography - North Idaho College
- Program Description. The photographic image plays a vital role in contemporary society. The Photography program focuses on the constantly evolving knowledge skills and abilities needed to create visual images that communicate and stand on their own as an art form. The course of study offered at NIC gives students the opportunity to explore their role as photographers …
Photography Classes - North Idaho College Workforce Training …
- If you feel ill or experience COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and contact your instructor or supervisor along with self-reporting to Rapid Trace. Click Here for more information. Question? Contact NIC Workforce Training Center at 208-769-3333 or email [email protected]. No classes found.
Class Schedule - North Idaho College
- Founded in 1933, North Idaho College is a comprehensive community college located on the beautiful shores of Lake Coeur d'Alene, offering more than 150 degrees and certificates in a wide spectrum of academic transfer and professional-technical programs.
Course Descriptions - North Idaho College
- Founded in 1933, North Idaho College is a comprehensive community college located on the beautiful shores of Lake Coeur d'Alene, offering more than 150 degrees and certificates in a wide spectrum of academic transfer and professional-technical …
Art Department - North Idaho College
- The Art Department at NIC welcomes all creative thinkers and art makers to their dynamic program, which includes a diverse range of art classes and opportunities. (Pictured at right is a 2D-3D project by students Tarin Leech and Lexi Gerome.) Studio classes include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, and photography. A culminating class for Art majors …
Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer | North Idaho College ...
- Master the use of Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud to edit and enhance your digital images and give them a professional polish. This course includes simple, step-by-step instructions to guide you through the many tools that make this software so popular and unique.
Course Descriptions - Art - North Idaho College
- Founded in 1933, North Idaho College is a comprehensive community college located on the beautiful shores of Lake Coeur d'Alene, offering more than 150 degrees and certificates in a wide spectrum of academic transfer and professional-technical programs. ... Class supplies are to be purchased by the student. ART-232 Beginning Painting II
North Idaho College
- Founded in 1933, North Idaho College is a comprehensive community college located on the beautiful shores of Lake Coeur d'Alene, offering more than 150 degrees and certificates in a wide spectrum of academic transfer and professional-technical programs.
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